


Two integer parameters a and b (where a<b and the difference is at least 2)


Output or return this text, where a and b are filled in:

(a,b) = ]a,b[ = {a<x<b}   = {a<x&&x<b}   = a+1..b-1
[a,b) = [a,b[ = {a<=x<b}  = {a<=x&&x<b}  = a..b-1
(a,b] = ]a,b] = {a<x<=b}  = {a<x&&x<=b}  = a+1..b
[a,b] = [a,b] = {a<=x<=b} = {a<=x&&x<=b} = a..b

Challenge rules:

  • I/O is flexible. Can be printed to STDOUT, returned as a string/character-array, etc. Can be inputted as two integers, decimals, strings (not sure why since you need to calculate the a+1 and b-1, but be my guest..), etc.
  • Any amount of leading and/or trailing new-lines are allowed, and any amount of trailing and/or leading spaces for each line is allowed.
  • The spaces at the equal signs (including those to align them in the same column) are mandatory, spaces between the other characters are not allowed.
  • a+1 and b-1 are replaced with the correct values after these calculations.
  • You are not allowed to use instead of <=.
  • You are not allowed to use & instead of &&.
  • You are allowed to output the numbers with .0 (as long as it's consistent, and not more than one decimal zero).
  • You can assume a is at least 2 lower than b (in order for (a,b) to be correct).
  • The lines should be output in the order shown.


Input: a=-5, b=10

(-5,10) = ]-5,10[ = {-5<x<10}   = {-5<x&&x<10}   = -4..9
[-5,10) = [-5,10[ = {-5<=x<10}  = {-5<=x&&x<10}  = -5..9
(-5,10] = ]-5,10] = {-5<x<=10}  = {-5<x&&x<=10}  = -4..10
[-5,10] = [-5,10] = {-5<=x<=10} = {-5<=x&&x<=10} = -5..10

General rules:

  • This is , so shortest answer in bytes wins.
    Don't let code-golf languages discourage you from posting answers with non-codegolfing languages. Try to come up with an as short as possible answer for 'any' programming language.
  • Standard rules apply for your answer, so you are allowed to use STDIN/STDOUT, functions/method with the proper parameters and return-type, full programs. Your call.
  • Default Loopholes are forbidden.
  • If possible, please add a link with a test for your code.
  • Also, please add an explanation if necessary.

PS: For those who had seen this challenge in the Sandbox when it was still a challenge with a and b hard-coded, I've changed it to an input challenge to prevent boring hard-coded and encoded answers like we usually see with KC challenges.

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ So for a=5, b=6 still output (5,6) = ... = 6...5? \$\endgroup\$
    – l4m2
    Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 11:03
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @l4m2 Ah.. hadn't thought about that. You can assume the a and b will always be at least 2 apart. I'll edit the challenge. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 11:18
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ It turned out to be much more fun than I was expecting. Nice challenge! \$\endgroup\$
    – Arnauld
    Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 11:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ @DigitalTrauma Sorry, but this exact order. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 5, 2018 at 7:02

16 Answers 16


JavaScript (ES6), 184 182 181 180 bytes

Takes input in currying syntax (a)(b). Returns an array of 4 strings.

a=>b=>[1,2,3,4].map(k=>'31,23 = 31,23 = {10x72}4{10x&&x72}45..6'.replace(/\d/g,(n,i)=>[(+n?k<3:k&1)?'<':'<=',a,b,'][)([[]('[(i*17^k*718)%9],'   = '.slice(k/2),a+k%2,b-(k<3)][n%7]))

Try it online!


For each row k with 1 ≤ k ≤ 4, we start with the following template:

"31,23 = 31,23 = {10x72}4{10x&&x72}45..6"

and replace each decimal digit n at position i according to the following table:

  n  | Replaced with           | Code
 0,7 | comparison operator     | (+n ? k < 3 : k & 1) ? '<' : '<='
  1  | a                       | a
  2  | b                       | b
  3  | interval bound          | '][)([[]('[(i * 17 ^ k * 718) % 9]
  4  | a substring of '   = '  | '   = '.slice(k / 2)
  5  | either 'a' or 'a + 1'   | a + k % 2
  6  | either 'b' or 'b - 1'   | b - (k < 3)

Python 2, 225 203 195 bytes

for d in 0,1:
 for m in 0,1:k=`a`+','+`b`;o='{'+`a`+'<'+m*'=';c='x<'+d*'='+`b`+'}'+'  '[m+d:];print' = '.join(['(['[m]+k+')]'[d],']['[m]+k+'[]'[d],o+c,o+'x&&'+c,`a+1-m`+'..'+`b-1+d`])

Try it online!


m4, 194

Seems like a job for a macro processor. Not sure if m4 meets our standards for a programming language. It does have looping ability and arithmetic eval, so I assume its close to the mark.

define(l,`$1a,b$2 = $3a,b$4 = {a<$5x<$6b} $8= {a<$5x&&x<$6b} $8= $7')dnl
l(`(',`)',],[,,,incr(a)..decr(b),`  ')
l([,`)',[,[,=,,a..decr(b),` ')
l(`(',],],],,=,incr(a)..b,` ')

This is my first non-trivial look at m4, so I suspect there are more golfing opportunities I've missed.

Inputs are passed using -D macro definitions at the command line. Not sure if anything needs to be added to the score for these, as as far as I can tell this is the only way to meaningfully pass parameters:

$ m4 -Da=-5 -Db=10 intnot.m4
(-5,10) = ]-5,10[ = {-5<x<10}   = {-5<x&&x<10}   = -4..9
[-5,10) = [-5,10[ = {-5<=x<10}  = {-5<=x&&x<10}  = -5..9
(-5,10] = ]-5,10] = {-5<x<=10}  = {-5<x&&x<=10}  = -4..10
[-5,10] = [-5,10] = {-5<=x<=10} = {-5<=x&&x<=10} = -5..10 $

Try it online.

Thanks @Dennis for adding m4 to TIO so quickly!

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I don't see why m4 wouldn't be a valid programming language to answer in, but what do I know. ;) As for the -D arguments it's completely fine. In my challenge description I stated I/O is completely flexible, so whether you take input as STDIN, function parameters, program command-line arguments, compiler-flags, reading a file, or whatever other input-method you can think of is completely up to you. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 5, 2018 at 15:39

Python 2, 187 bytes

for j in 1,0:
 for i in 1,0:print"%%s%d,%d%%s = "%t*2%('[('[i],'])'[j],'[]'[i],']['[j])+"{%d<%sx%%s<%s%d}%s = "%(a,'='[i:],'='[j:],b,' '*(i+j))*2%('','&&x')+`a+i`+'..'+`b-j`

Try it online!


Java (JDK 10), 251 bytes

a->b->("(a,b)q]a,b[q{a<x<b}  q{a<x&&x<b}  q"+-~a+".."+~-b+"\n[a,b)q[a,b[q{a<=x<b} q{a<=x&&x<b} qa.."+~-b+"\n(a,b]q]a,b]q{a<x<=b} q{a<x&&x<=b} q"+-~a+"..b\n[a,b]q[a,b]q{a<=x<=b}q{a<=x&&x<=b}qa..b").replace("a",a+"").replace("b",b+"").replace("q"," = ")

Try it online!


  • \$\begingroup\$ I'm still golfing... \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 12:14
  • \$\begingroup\$ Almost done with golfing? I got a suggestion to remove 85 bytes. ;) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 12:38
  • \$\begingroup\$ @KevinCruijssen I'm done but I removed far less than 85 bytes... \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 12:45
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ 251 bytes with three boring .replace. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 12:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ Yeah, basically my first solution using replace indeed, instead of formatting. Nice. Boring indeed, but nice! :-) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 12:48

Perl 5, 181 bytes

I thought this would have worked out a lot shorter...

$_="sd,ds = sd,ds = {dsxsd}s= {dsx&&xsd}s= d..d
"x4;s!s!("()][<<   [)[[<=<  (]]]<<=  [][]<=<= "=~s/[<= ]+/$&$&/gr=~/ +|<=|./g)[$-++]!ge;s/d/$F[$x%2]+{8,1,9,-1,19,-1,28,1}->{$x++}/ge

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Originally this was using a printf format string, but just having s and d was shorter when combined with s///.

First the format string is built into $_ and quadruplicated, then all ss are replaced with the corresponding bracket, <, <= or spaces, depending on the replacement index. I hoped to save some more bytes with the duplication of the last 5 chars of each block, but this only ended up saving 2 bytes. The resultant string is split up into elements of spaces, <= or single characters.

Finally all ds are replaced with the desired number which is adjusted based on the index of the current replacement via a hash key.


JavaScript, 190 189 bytes

x=>y=>`(0)7]0[7{1<x<2}  7{1<52}  73..4
[0]7[0]7{18x82}7{185=2}71..2`.replace(/\d/g,d=>[[x,y],x,y,x+1,y-1,`x&&x<`,`}  = `,` = `,`<=`][d])

Try it online


Stax, 74 bytes


Run and debug it

This uses stax's string templates heavily. Unpacked, ungolfed, and commented, it looks like this.

Y                   save second input in Y register (first is already in X)
.)].([|*            cross product of ")]" and "(["; this produces [")(", ")[", "](", "]["]
{                   begin block to map over interval delimiters
  E"`x,`y"a++       push delimiters separately, then wrap them around the inputs    e.g. "(-5,10)"
  c"(])["|t         copy last value, then replace parentheses with braces           e.g. "]-5,10["
  ih'=              push half the iteration index and "="                           e.g. 0 "="
  |;'=              push iteration parity (alternating 0 and 1) and "="             e.g. 0 "=" 0 "="
  "{`x<`*x<`*`y}"   multiply each equal sign by its occurrence, and template        e.g. "{-5<x<10}"
  c'x.x&:mR         copy last value, then replace "x" with "x&&x"                   e.g. "{-5<x&&x<10}"
  yvih xi|e         calculate final bounds offsets                                  e.g. -5 1 10 -1
  "`+..`+"          add inputs to offsets, and embed in template                    e.g. "-4..9"
  5l                combine last 5 values into array
m                   map [")(", ")[", "](", "]["] using block
:<                  left-align grid colums to add extra spaces
m" = "*             for each row, join with " = " and output

Run this one


Python 2, 277 199 193 189 bytes

for i in 4,3,2,1:x,y=i%2,i>2;e='=';p=`a`+','+`b`;print'(['[x]+p+'])'[y],e,']['[x]+p+']['[y],e,2*('{%d<%s<%s%d} %s= '%(a,e*x+'%sx',e[y:],b,i/2*' '))%('','x&&')+`a+1-x`+'..'+`b-y`

Try it online!

  • \$\begingroup\$ 2*('{%d<%s<%s%d} %s= '%(a,e*x+'%sx',e[y:],b,i/2*' '))%('','x&&') -> 2*('{%d<%s%%sx<%s%d} %s= '%(a,e*x,e[y:],b,i/2*' '))%('','x&&') saves two :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 19:47

Excel, 399 bytes

="("&A1&","&B1&") = ]"&A1&","&B1&"[ = {"&A1&"<x<"&B1&"}   = {"&A1&"<x&&x<"&B1&"}   = "&A1+1&".."&B1-1&"
 ["&A1&","&B1&") = ["&A1&","&B1&"[ = {"&A1&"<=x<"&B1&"}  = {"&A1&"<=x&&x<"&B1&"}  = "&A1&".."&B1-1&"
 ("&A1&","&B1&"] = ]"&A1&","&B1&"] = {"&A1&"<x<="&B1&"}  = {"&A1&"<x&&x<="&B1&"}  = "&A1+1&".."&B1&"
 ["&A1&","&B1&"] = ["&A1&","&B1&"] = {"&A1&"<=x<="&B1&"} = {"&A1&"<=x&&x<="&B1&"} = "&A1&".."&B1

Nothing particularly interesting here.


C (gcc), 224 237 bytes

f(a,b,c,m,n,o){for(c=0;++c<5;printf("%c%d,%d%c = %c%d,%d%c = {%d<%sx<%s%d}%*s= {%d<%sx&&x<%s%d}%*s= %d..%d\n","[("[m],a,b,"])"[n],"[]"[m],a,b,"]["[n],a,"="+m,"="+n,b,o,"",a,"="+m,"="+n,b,o,"",a+m,b-n)){m=c%2;n=c<3;o=3-c/2;}}

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Moving the "<[=]" into the format string allowed me to remove the array altogether. Also, moving printf() into the for loop saved a semicolon.

Original answer

f(a,b,c,m,n,o){char*e[]={"<=","<"};for(c=0;++c<5;){m=c%2;n=c<3;o=3-c/2;printf("%c%d,%d%c = %c%d,%d%c = {%d%sx%s%d}%*s= {%d%sx&&x%s%d}%*s= %d..%d\n","[("[m],a,b,"])"[n],"[]"[m],a,b,"]["[n],a,e[m],e[n],b,o,"",a,e[m],e[n],b,o,"",a+m,b-n);}}

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There's nothing particularly noteworthy here: I used the usual tricks for shaving the size of the function (hoisting int autos into the function header, using K&R style, indexing into string constants.) Storing the {"<=","<"} into an array proved more size-efficient than inserting a format specifier for this challenge as it was used more than once.


Javascript, 273 258 232 bytes

Thanks Kevin Cruijssen for saving me 15 bytes !

e=>f=>'(j)h]j[h{a<x<b}  h{a<x&&x<b}  hc..d\n[j)h[j[h{a<=x<b} h{a<=x&&x<b} ha..d\n(j]h]j]h{a<x<=b} h{a<x&&x<=b} hc..b\n[j]h[j]h{a<=x<=b}h{a<=x&&x<=b}ha..b'.replace(/a|b|c|d|h|j/g,m=>{return{a:e,b:f,c:e+1,d:f-1,h:" = ",j:e+","+f}[m]})

Try it online

Thanks for TFeld for giving me that idea, saving around 60 bytes from my original answer.

Ungolfed :

e => f => '(j)h]j[h{a<x<b}  h{a<x&&x<b}  hc..d'
 + '\n[j)h[j[h{a<=x<b} h{a<=x&&x<b} ha..d'
 + '\n(j]h]j]h{a<x<=b} h{a<x&&x<=b} hc..b'
 + '\n[j]h[j]h{a<=x<=b}h{a<=x&&x<=b}ha..b'
.replace(/a|b|c|d|h|j/g, m=>{
        return {a:e,b:f,c:e+1,d:f-1,h:" = ",j:e+","+f}[m]

Javascript (original answer), 340 bytes

(a,b)=>alert(`(${a},${b}) = ]${a},${b}[ = {${a}<x<${b}}   = {${a}<x&&x<${b}}   = ${a+1}..${b-1}\n[${a},${b}) = [${a},${b}[ = {${a}<=x<${b}}  = {${a}<=x&&x<${b}}  = ${a}..${b-1}\n(${a},${b}] = ]${a},${b}] = {${a}<x<=${b}}  = {${a}<x&&x<=${b}}  = ${a+1}..${b}\n[${a},${b}] = [${a},${b}] = {${a}<=x<=${b}} = {${a}<=x&&x<=${b}} = ${a}..${b}\n`)
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ The new-line at {a<=x&&\nx<=b} shouldn't be there, and you're missing the first (a,b) = . As for some golfing: instead of alert you can just return the result. (m)=> can be m=>. (e,f)=> can be e=>f=>. And you can use g directly instead of creating the let g=: m=>{return{a:e,b:f,c:e+1,d:f-1}[m]}. Try it online 258 bytes. And probably more can be golfed, I'm not too skilled in JS.. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 9:43
  • \$\begingroup\$ Well you look more skilled than I am. Thanks for the tips, i'll add them to the answer \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 9:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ Well, I'm mostly someone who golfs in Java (or Whitespace), and these golfing tips also apply to Java answers, which is mostly why I know them: (m)-> to m->; (e,f)-> to e->f->, and var g=new int[]{...}return g[m] to return new int[]{...}[m]. ;) Also, I've been active on this SO for little over two years now, so I've seen JS answers use these kind of things before as well. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 4, 2018 at 9:49

Retina, 216 bytes

$&()][<<  ¶$&[)[[<=< ¶$&(]]]<<= ¶$&[][]<=<=
((.*),(.*))(.)(.)(.)(.)(<=?)(<=?)( *)
$4$1$5 = $6$1$7 = {$2$8x$9$3}$10 = {$2$8x&&x$9$3}$10 = $2_$8..$3_$9

T`<`_` _+<|\.-_+<

Try it online! Explanation:

$&()][<<  ¶$&[)[[<=< ¶$&(]]]<<= ¶$&[][]<=<=
((.*),(.*))(.)(.)(.)(.)(<=?)(<=?)( *)
$4$1$5 = $6$1$7 = {$2$8x$9$3}$10 = {$2$8x&&x$9$3}$10 = $2_$8..$3_$9

Build up the main bulk of the result.


If the variable is involved in a loose inequality, then the value is inclusive, so we can delete the placeholder.


Convert the value to unary and add 2.

T`<`_` _+<|\.-_+<

Remove the placeholder for a strict lower inequality or a negative strict upper inequality. It's still had 2 added, but 1 will be subtracted later, giving the desired result.


Subtract 2 from the other non-zero strict inequalities, restoring the original value, from which 1 will be subtracted later.


Change a strict upper inequality of 0 to -1.


Subtract 1 from the remaining strict inequalities and convert to decimal.


Fix up another edge case.


Python 3, 180 bytes:

lambda a,b:[eval('f"'+"{%r[j]}{a},{b}{%r[i]} = "*2%('([',')]','][','[]')+"{{{a}<{'='[:j]}x%s<{'='[:i]}{b}}}{'  '[i+j:]} = "*2%('','&&x')+'{a+j}..{b-i}"')for i in(1,0)for j in(1,0)]


Basically builds an f-string that is evaluated in a list comprehension. Old-style % string interpolation is used to delay evaluating the expressions until the f-string is evaluated.

lambda a,b:[
      'f"' +                                                            # f-string prefix
      "{%r[j]}{a},{b}{%r[i]} = "*2%('([',')]','][','[]') +              # first two terms
      "{{{a}<{'='[:j]}x%s<{'='[:i]}{b}}}{'  '[i+j:]} = "*2%('','&&x') + # second two terms
      '{a+j}..{b-i}"'                                                   # last term
    for i in(1,0)for j in(1,0)

The first part of the string, 'f"', will become the prefix for the f-string.

The second part of the string builds the format string for the first two interval expressions. %r is used to save from needing to put quotes in the format, i.e., "{%r[j]}" is the same as "{'%s'[j]}". When the f-string is evaluated, the correct bracket is selected.

The third part of the string builds the next two interval expressions.

The last part formats the "a..b" part of the f-string.

The assembled f-string looks like: f"{'(['[j]}{a},{b}{')]'[i]} = .... = {a+j}..{b-i}"

When the f-string is evaluated, all the expressions in braces {} are are replaced by their value. So, {a} gets replaced by the value of a, and {'(['[j]} gets replaced by ( if j is 0 or [ if j is 1.


SOGL V0.12, 110 bytes

W}↔b ,e++Κ+²
4∫2\f»¹Aa{Ƨ[(²a{Ƨ[]²ba{ =*}eο+++:³⁴;³&&x⁴a_beh+H⁶;!+ƨ.+Κο++++}⁰№Iā;0E{┼ē4=‽"δY↑æ‘┼

Try it Here!


Python 3, 248 bytes

def f(a,b):
 for i in r:
  for j in r:

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