Given a printable ASCII string, split it into a list of non-empty strings with a new sub-string beginning every time a character, which has not previously been seen in the same case, occurs.
"mississippi" → ["m","i","ssissi","ppi"]
"P P & C G" → ["P"," P ","& ","C ","G"]
"AAA" → ["AAA"]
"Adam" → ["A","d","a","m"]
"" → []
Anecdote: The result will have between 0 and 95 elements. The 95th sub-string will necessarily continue until the end because at that point, all printable ASCII characters have begun a sub-string, so every additional character will have occurred before and thus cannot cause a new sub-string to begin.
seems like a good idea. \$\endgroup\$""
be acceptable? \$\endgroup\$[""]
to be invalid. Sigh. \$\endgroup\$