Final Result
The competition is over. Congratulations to hard_coded
Some interesting facts:
In 31600 out of 40920 auctions (77.2%), the winner of the first round won the most rounds in that auction.
If example bots are included in the competition, the top nine places won't change except that
will swap their positions.Top 10 results in an auction:
[2, 2, 3, 3] 16637
[0, 3, 3, 4] 7186
[1, 3, 3, 3] 6217
[1, 2, 3, 4] 4561
[0, 1, 4, 5] 1148
[0, 2, 4, 4] 1111
[2, 2, 2, 4] 765
[0, 2, 3, 5] 593
[1, 1, 4, 4] 471
[0, 0, 5, 5] 462
Tie count (number of auctions that the i-th round had no winner):
[719, 126, 25, 36, 15, 58, 10, 7, 19, 38]
.Average winning bid of the i-th round:
[449.4, 855.6, 1100.8, 1166.8, 1290.6, 1386.3, 1500.2, 1526.5, 1639.3, 3227.1]
Bot count: 33
hard_coded Score: 16141 Total: 20075170
eenie_meanie_more Score: 15633 Total: 18513346
minus_one Score: 15288 Total: 19862540
AverageMine Score: 15287 Total: 19389331
heurist Score: 15270 Total: 19442892
blacklist_mod Score: 15199 Total: 19572326
Swapper Score: 15155 Total: 19730832
Almost_All_In Score: 15001 Total: 19731428
HighHorse Score: 14976 Total: 19740760
bid_higher Score: 14950 Total: 18545549
Graylist Score: 14936 Total: 17823051
above_average Score: 14936 Total: 19712477
below_average Score: 14813 Total: 19819816
Wingman_1 Score: 14456 Total: 18480040
wingman_2 Score: 14047 Total: 18482699
simple_bot Score: 13855 Total: 20935527
I_Dont_Even Score: 13505 Total: 20062500
AntiMaxer Score: 13260 Total: 16528523
Showoff Score: 13208 Total: 20941233
average_joe Score: 13066 Total: 18712157
BeatTheWinner Score: 12991 Total: 15859037
escalating Score: 12914 Total: 18832696
one_upper Score: 12618 Total: 18613875
half_in Score: 12605 Total: 19592760
distributer Score: 12581 Total: 18680641
copycat_or_sad Score: 11573 Total: 19026290
slow_starter Score: 11132 Total: 20458100
meanie Score: 10559 Total: 12185779
FiveFiveFive Score: 7110 Total: 24144915
patient_bot Score: 7088 Total: 22967773
forgetful_bot Score: 2943 Total: 1471500
bob_hater Score: 650 Total: 1300
one_dollar_bob Score: 401 Total: 401
In this game, we will simulate a sealed-bid auction.
Each auction is a 4-player game, consists of 10 rounds. Initially, players have no money. At the start of each round, each player will get $500, and then make their own bids. The bid can be any non-negative integer less or equal than the amount they have. Usually, one who bid the highest win the round. However, to make things more interesting, if several players bid the same price, their bid won't be taken into account (thus can't win the round). For example, if four players bid 400 400 300 200, the one bids 300 wins; if they bid 400 400 300 300, no one wins. The winner should pay what they bid.
Since it is a "sealed-bid" auction, the only information player will know about the bidding is the winner and how much they paid when next round starts (so player can know how much everyone has).
One auction will be held for every possible 4-player combination. That is, if there are N bots in total, there will be NC4 auction. The bot which wins the most rounds will be the final winner. In the case that there's a tie, the bot which paid the least in total will win. If there's still a tie, in the same way as the bidding, those ties will be removed.
You should implement a Python 3 class with a member function play_round
(and __init__
or others if you need). play_round
should take 3 arguments (including self). The second and third argument will be, in order: the id of winner of the previous round, followed by how much they paid. If no one wins or it is the first round, they will both be -1. Your id will always be 0, and id 1–3 will be other players in an order only determined by the position on this post.
Additional rules
1. Deterministic:
The behavior of your function should depend only on the input arguments within an auction. That is, you can't access files, time, global variables or anything that will store states between different auctions or bots. If you want to use a pseudorandom generator, it's better to write it by yourself (to prevent affecting others' programs like random
in Python lib), and make sure you have it reset with a fixed seed in __init__
or the first round.
2. Three Bots per Person: You're allowed to submit at most 3 bots, so you can develop a strategy to make your bots "cooperate" in some way.
3. Not Too Slow: Since there will be many auctions, make sure that your bots won't run too slow. Your bots should be able to finish at least 1,000 auctions in a second.
Here's the controller I'm using. All bots will be imported and added to bot_list
in the order on this post.
# from some_bots import some_bots
bot_list = [
#one_bot, another_bot,
import hashlib
def decide_order(ls):
hash = int(hashlib.sha1(str(ls).encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % 24
nls = []
for i in range(4, 0, -1):
nls.append(ls[hash % i])
del ls[hash % i]
hash //= i
return nls
N = len(bot_list)
score = [0] * N
total = [0] * N
def auction(ls):
global score, total
pl = decide_order(sorted(ls))
bots = [bot_list[i]() for i in pl]
dollar = [0] * 4
prev_win, prev_bid = -1, -1
for rounds in range(10):
bids = []
for i in range(4): dollar[i] += 500
for i in range(4):
tmp_win = prev_win
if prev_win == i: tmp_win = 0
elif prev_win != -1 and prev_win < i: tmp_win += 1
bid = int(bots[i].play_round(tmp_win, prev_bid))
if bid < 0 or bid > dollar[i]: raise ValueError(pl[i])
bids.append((bid, i))
bids.sort(reverse = True)
winner = 0
if bids[0][0] == bids[1][0]:
if bids[2][0] == bids[3][0]: winner = -1
elif bids[1][0] == bids[2][0]: winner = 3
else: winner = 2
if winner == -1:
prev_win, prev_bid = -1, -1
prev_bid, prev_win = bids[winner]
score[pl[prev_win]] += 1
total[pl[prev_win]] += prev_bid
dollar[prev_win] -= prev_bid
for a in range(N - 3):
for b in range(a + 1, N - 2):
for c in range(b + 1, N - 1):
for d in range(c + 1, N): auction([a, b, c, d])
res = sorted(map(list, zip(score, total, bot_list)), key = lambda k: (-k[0], k[1]))
class TIE_REMOVED: pass
for i in range(N - 1):
if (res[i][0], res[i][1]) == (res[i + 1][0], res[i + 1][1]):
res[i][2] = res[i + 1][2] = TIE_REMOVED
for sc, t, tp in res:
print('%-20s Score: %-6d Total: %d' % (tp.__name__, sc, t))
If you need a pseudorandom generator, here is a simple one.
class myrand:
def __init__(self, seed): self.val = seed
def randint(self, a, b):
self.val = (self.val * 6364136223846793005 + 1) % (1 << 64)
return (self.val >> 32) % (b - a + 1) + a
class zero_bot:
def play_round(self, i_dont, care): return 0
class all_in_bot:
def __init__(self): self.dollar = 0
def play_round(self, winner, win_amount):
self.dollar += 500
if winner == 0: self.dollar -= win_amount
return self.dollar
class random_bot:
def __init__(self):
self.dollar = 0
self.random = myrand(1)
def play_round(self, winner, win_amount):
self.dollar += 500
if winner == 0: self.dollar -= win_amount
return self.random.randint(0, self.dollar)
class average_bot:
def __init__(self):
self.dollar = 0
self.round = 11
def play_round(self, winner, win_amount):
self.dollar += 500
self.round -= 1
if winner == 0: self.dollar -= win_amount
return self.dollar / self.round
class fortytwo_bot:
def play_round(self, i_dont, care): return 42
all_in_bot Score: 20 Total: 15500
random_bot Score: 15 Total: 14264
average_bot Score: 15 Total: 20000
TIE_REMOVED Score: 0 Total: 0
TIE_REMOVED Score: 0 Total: 0
The winner is all_in_bot
. Note that zero_bot
and fortytwo_bot
have the same score and total, so they're removed.
These bots will not be included in the competition. You can use them if you think they are great.
The final competition will be held at 2017/11/23 14:00 (UTC). You can make any change to your bots before that.