
Write a program that displays on the screen the sum of the divisors of a number (1 ≤ N ≤ 100) entered by the user in the range of 1 to N.

This is OEIS A000203.


Input: 7

7 / 1 = 7
7 / 7 = 1

7 + 1 = 8

Output: 8

Input: 15

15 / 1 = 15
15 / 3 = 5
15 / 5 = 3
15 / 15 = 1

15 + 5 + 3 + 1 = 24

Output: 24

Input: 20

20 / 1 = 20
20 / 2 = 10
20 / 4 = 5
20 / 5 = 4
20 / 10 = 2
20 / 20 = 1

20 + 10 + 5 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 42

Output: 42

Input: 1

1 / 1 = 1

Output: 1

Input: 5

5 / 1 = 5
5 / 5 = 1

5 + 1 = 6

Output: 6

  • 6
    \$\begingroup\$ @H.PWiz I think he means "the divisors of a number N" \$\endgroup\$
    – benzene
    Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 0:18
  • \$\begingroup\$ I think you mean sum of divisors, aka, the sigma function? \$\endgroup\$
    – Stephen
    Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 0:18
  • \$\begingroup\$ Sorry, i mean "The sum of the multiple of N". \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 0:19
  • \$\begingroup\$ @H.PWiz this is the sum of those, so I dunno \$\endgroup\$
    – Stephen
    Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 0:21
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Stephen That seems like a trivial change to me \$\endgroup\$
    – H.PWiz
    Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 0:21

67 Answers 67


Add++, 9 bytes


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I clearly got here too late. This defines a function that gets the factors, then sums them.


Ohm v2, 2 bytes

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This is pretty straight-forwad:

V   - Divisors.
 Σ  - Sum.
  • \$\begingroup\$ Damnit, you beat me too it! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 11, 2017 at 3:52

Husk, 5 bytes


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ṁΠuṖp  - Full program, implicit input.

     p  - Prime factors.
    Ṗ   - Powerset.
   u    - Remove duplicates.
ṁΠ     - Get the product of each list, sum and implicitly output.

Thanks to Zgarb for the suggestions in chat!


Gaia, 2 bytes

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Pretty straight-forward:

dΣ   - Full program.

d    - Divisors.
 Σ   - Sum.

Neim, 2 bytes


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Octave, 20 bytes


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PowerShell, 36 bytes


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param($a)                            # Takes input $a
         1..$a|%{               };   # For-loop from 1 up to $a
                          $a%$_      # Modulo, if this is zero we've hit a divisor
                        !(     )     # Take the Boolean-not of that. If a divisor, it's 1
                     $_*             # Multiply the current number by that Boolean
                                     # Only if it's a divisor will this be non-zero
                 $j+=                # Add it into our accumulator
                                  $j # Output our accumulator

Axiom, 42 bytes



(19) -> [[i,f(i)] for i in [7,15,20,42,1,5] ]
   (19)  [[7,8],[15,24],[20,42],[42,96],[1,1],[5,6]]
                                          Type: List List PositiveInteger
  • \$\begingroup\$ Why is not possible upvote the answer of who write it? I have the suspect here people upvote their answer logging with some other login... I say that because in some question there are more star than the people answer... (so why give one star if you not participate to competition?) \$\endgroup\$
    – user58988
    Commented Sep 9, 2017 at 9:52

APL, 9 bytes


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How? (input n)

  • ⍳|⊢, [n mod 1, ..., n mod n]
  • 0=, [0 == n mod 1, ... 0 == n mod n]
  • ⍳×, [1*(0 == n mod 1), ..., n*(0 == n mod n)]
  • +/, sum([1*(0 == n mod 1), ..., n*(0 == n mod n)])

Rockstar, 96 bytes

listen to N
while N-X
let X be+1
let D be N/X
turn up D
let T be+D is N/X and X

say T

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GolfScript, 15 bytes


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~                # Parses the input to integer
 .,              # Makes an array with numbers from 0 to (N-1)
   {.3$\%!*+}    # This block goes to the top of the stack without being executed
             *   # Folds
              +  # Adds the input and the result

What the block does:

    .            # Duplicates the number of the array
     3$          # Makes a copy of N
       \%!       # Tests if the number of the array is a divisor of N
          *      # Multiplies, resulting in the divisor if it was divisible or 0 if it wasn't
           +     # Adds to the acumulator

x86-16 machine code, 18 bytes

00000000: 89c1 9988 0e09 0150 d40a 7502 02d4 58e2  .......P..u...X.
00000010: f2c3                                     ..


89 C1           MOV  CX, AX                 ; input number as loop counter 
99              CWD                         ; zero DX as running sum 
88 0E 0109      MOV  BYTE PTR[AAM1+1], CL   ; move loop counter to divisor 
50              PUSH AX                     ; save input number 
D4 0A           AAM                         ; ZF if (AL % CL == 0), AH = quotient
75 02           JNZ  END_LOOP               ; if not ZF, continue loop 
02 D4           ADD  DL, AH                 ; otherwise add to running sum 
58              POP  AX                     ; restore input number 
E2 F2           LOOP DIVLOOP                ; loop until CL == 0 
C3              RET                         ; return to caller

Callable function, input N in AX, result in DX.

Inspired by @CodyGray's excellent answer, and the comment "It sure seems like there should be a way to make this shorter" I just had to try!

As Cody mentioned, Using DIV/IDIV is inconvenient because it clobbers two registers including the dividend. Another is that the ZF flag is set when the quotient is 0, however in this case we're only interested in when the remainder is 0. Enter AAM, a trusty and underrated byte-sized division/modulo instruction that can be golfy. Even though it does clobber the dividend just like DIV, it will set ZF when the remainder is 0 which is what we want here. It's downside is that the divisor is encoded in the instruction opcode, which can be modified at runtime at a cost of 4 bytes (in real mode at least).

  • \$\begingroup\$ this is for MS-DOS ? what assembler and debugger you using ? TASM ? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 19, 2020 at 16:22
  • \$\begingroup\$ @NotStar I use MASM 1.1 for DOS asm and then just DOS DEBUG.EXE for the x86-16 stuff. Quick and dirty! \$\endgroup\$
    – 640KB
    Commented Sep 19, 2020 at 21:06

Python 3, 45 bytes

lambda n:sum(i for i in range(1,n+1)if n%i<1)

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Kotlin, 42 bytes

{var s=0;for(i in 1..it)if(it%i==0)s+=i;s}

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K (ngn/k), 14 bytes


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  • !1+x generate sequence from 1..x
  • x% divide the input by each term in this range
  • &~1! identify values in the range that evenly divide the input
  • +/ take (and implicitly return) their sum

Factor + math.primes.factors math.unicode, 15 bytes

[ divisors Σ ]

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Fig, \$3\log_{256}(96)\approx\$ 2.469 bytes


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 S  # Sum
  k # The divisors
+   # And add the input

Prolog (SWI), 60 56 bytes

-4 bytes thanks to @Steffan

N+X:-bagof(M,(between(1,N,M),N mod M<1),L),sumlist(L,X).

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  • \$\begingroup\$ =:=0 can be <1 \$\endgroup\$
    – naffetS
    Commented Sep 26, 2022 at 23:32
  • \$\begingroup\$ also you can use bagof instead of findall \$\endgroup\$
    – naffetS
    Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 3:04

Go, 62 bytes

func p(n int)(p int){i:=1
for;i<=n;i++{if n%i<1{p+=i}}

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-2 bytes compared to my answer to Product of Divisors via use of Go's 0-initialization for variables.


K (ngn/k), 20 bytes


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I honestly didn't know how I manage to make a for-each that find the divisors, lol.


{+/t(*=(t:1+!x)!'x)}  Main function. x is input
    (           'x)   For x amount of times
               !      Modulo it with
       (    !x)       Range, create a list of [0..x-1]
          1+          + 1 to each number in list to turn it into [1..x]
        t:            Assign it to variable t
                      Now, we got the modulo results of each number from [1..x],
                      we now need to
      =               Group them into a dictionary
     *                And get the value of the first key
                      i.e. the occurence positions of the 0s
                      (Implicit at)
   t                  The variable t
 +/                   Sum

Thunno, \$ 2 \log_{256}(96) \approx \$ 1.65 bytes


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f   # Factors
 S  # Sum

Thunno 2 S, 1 byte


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Or, FS flagless.


Arturo, 19 16 bytes


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RProgN 2, 2 bytes



ƒ   # Factorize
 +  # Sum

Trivial, but felt it needed to be posted.

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Perl 5, 35 + 1 (-p) = 36 bytes

$\+=($n%$_==0)&&$_ for 1..($n=$_)}{

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QBIC, 17 bytes



[:|      FOR a = 1; a <= b (read from cmd line); a++
~b%a|    IF b modulo a has a remainder THEN - empty block - 
\p=p+a   ELSE add divisor 'a' to running total 'p'
}        END IF, NEXT
?p       PRINT p

CJam, 16 bytes


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ri                 e# Read integer, n
  :X               e# Write to variable X
    {       }%     e# Map this block over the array [0 1 ... n-1]
     )             e# Increment current value. Will give 1, 2, ..., n
      _            e# Duplicate
       X           e# Push input
        \          e# Swap
         %         e# Modulus
          !        e# Negate
           *       e# Multiply
              :+   e# Sum of array. Implicitly display

C#, 56 bytes


  • Input Int32 i A number
  • Output Int32 The sum of the divisors of the number


i=>{int s=0,d=1;for(;d<=i;d++)s+=i%d<1?i/d:0;return s;};


i => {
        s = 0,
        d = 1;
    for( ; d <= i; d++ )
        s += i % d < 1 ? i / d : 0;
    return s;

Ungolfed readable

// Takes an int
i => {
    // Initializes the sum 's' and divider 'd' vars
        s = 0,
        d = 1;
    // Cycles each number lower than the the number 'i'
    for( ; d <= i; d++ )
        // Sums the result of the division between 'i' and 'd' if the modulus is 0
        s += i % d < 1 ? i / d : 0;
    // Returns the sum
    return s;

Full code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace TestBench {
    public class Program {
        // Methods
        static void Main( string[] args ) {
            Func<Int32, Int32> f = i => {
                int s = 0, d = 1;

                for( ; d <= i; d++ )
                    s += i % d < 1 ? i / d : 0;

                return s;

                testCases = new List<Int32>() {

            foreach( Int32 testCase in testCases ) {
                Console.WriteLine( $" INPUT: {testCase}\nOUTPUT: {f( testCase )}" );



  • v1.0 - 56 bytes - Initial solution.


  • None
  • \$\begingroup\$ In this statement s+=i%d<1?i/d:0;, you can save 2 bytes by replacing i/d by d, the results will be the same ( mostly because it will add the same numbers by in the reverse order : For example, in the second test case, all the division result are added : 15+5+3+1=24. If you add all the denominators ( i believe it's the word to describe the number used to divide the input, sorry if it's the wrong word, i'm not a native english speaker ), we get : 1+3+5+15=24, which is the same ) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 20:03

Batch, 70 bytes

@if not %i%==%1 %0 %1 %i% %s%
@echo %s%

Alternative solution, also 70 bytes:

@set s=0
@for /l %%i in (1,1,%1)do @set/as+=%%i*!(%1%%%%i)
@echo %s%

MY, 4 bytes


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It's really simple: ω is the argument, is divisors, Σ is sum, is output. I thought I already answered this challenge, for some reason.


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