Squares looks symmetric, and so are the required codes.
Objective: Write a program whose source code is a solid square (N lines with N printable, non-whitespace characters each line) and prints a square of equal size. A program (or output) with inconsistent width and height is invalid. (e.g. 6x5)
Example (HQ9+)
- Both the source and the output must contain N lines, and N printable characters each line, followed by 1 linefeed. Your program should not contain or output any control characters (except LF or CR-LF) or whitespaces (Space, Tab, VTab)
- Standard loopholes are boring, don't use them.
- A program (and output) with only one character is fundamentally nothing. N must be at least two.
- The content of the output doesn't matter, as long as it complies with rule 1
- Special rule: Do not use comments or codes that does not affect the output to "fill" your code.
To be clear, you are allowed to usei++;i++;... i++;
instead ofi+=10;
, but you shouldn't define a variablestring s="placeholder"
but never use it later. It is very easy to work around this rule so don't be too strict. - If you want to output a newline before everything else, it OK but please declare that you're using this rule.
If you want to output the last line without a succeeding linefeed, it's OK, too and you don't need to declare it. However that does not affect scoring.
Additional: Please give the number N (width/height) your program is using. Provide descriptions of your code if possible.
There is no need to give the length (in bytes) of your program because the N says it all.
Because this is a code-bowling, the program with the largest N and the highest complexity will win.