Simple challenge: try to output the following text in as few bytes as you can:
the answer
toli fetheuniv
ersea nde ver
ything the ans
wer tol ife the
uni ver sean
dev ery thin
gth ean swer
tolifetheuni ver
seandeveryth ing
the ans wer
tol ifetheuniver
sea ndeverything
The original drawing contains 332 characters.
- No input or an unused input.
- Output can be in any reasonable format (string, list of strings, matrix of chars and so on).
- You can use uppercase instead of lowercase for the drawing if your prefer so.
- Trailing whitespaces and newlines allowed.
- This is code-golf, so may the shortest program/function for each language win!
- This has been identified as a possible duplicate of We're no strangers to code golf, you know the rules, and so do I. That question was about searching and replacing text. Here you have to draw a shape using a given text, and at least two of the current answers demonstrate that golfing languages can beat plain compression algorithms in this case.
characters, and then replaced them with the text, which fit perfectly. I did not have to modify the original drawing to make the sentence fit. Coincidence? \$\endgroup\$