Given the number of an XKCD comic, output the title text of that comic (the mouseover text).
However, the program must throw an error when given the numbers 859
or 404
The number given will always be an existing comic (except 404
Your program must not throw an error for any other numbers than 859
or 404
For reference, comic 404
does not exist and 859
Brains aside, I wonder how many poorly-written scripts will break on this title (or ;;"''{<<[' this mouseover text."
Url shorteners are disallowed. You may use the internet to get the title text.
Input > Output
1642 > "That last LinkedIn request set a new record for the most energetic physical event ever observed. Maybe we should respond." "Nah."
1385 > ::PLOOOOSH:: Looks like you won't be making it to Vinland today, Leaf Erikson.
1275 > If replacing all the '3's doesn't fix your code, remove the 4s, too, with 'ceiling(pi) / floor(pi) * pi * r^floor(pi)'. Mmm, floor pie.
1706 > Plus, now I know that I have risk factors for elbow dysplasia, heartworm, parvo, and mange.
I will award a bounty to the shortest answer which fails on comic 859 because it's poorly written instead of checking for the number.
Your program may break on other alt texts (such as 744) providing they have unmatched parentheses, quotation marks etc.
Shortest code in bytes wins.
" and "may break on other alt texts". \$\endgroup\$