A positive integer n consisting of digits in the range 0-9.
If d is the highest digit in the integer, assume the base of the number is d+1. E.g. if the integer is 1256 then you shall assume it's in base-7, if it's 10110 then you shall assume it's base-2 (binary), and if it's 159 then it's decimal.
Now, do the following until you either, 1: reach a base-10 integer, or 2: reach a single digit integer.
- Convert the integer from base-(d+1) to base-10
- Find the base of this new integer (again, base-(d+1) where d is the highest digit in the new number)
- Go to step 1.
Assume the input is n = 413574. The highest digit d=7, so this is base-8 (octal). Convert this to decimal and get 137084. The highest digit d=8, so this is base-9. Convert this to decimal and get 83911. The highest digit is 9, so this is a decimal number and we stop. The output shall be 83911.
Assume the input is n = 13552. The highest digit is d=5, so this is base-6. Convert this to decimal and get 2156. The highest digit d=6, so this is base-7. Convert this to decimal and get 776. The highest digit is d=7, so this is base-8. Convert this to decimal and get 510. The highest digit is d=5 so this is base-6. Convert this to decimal and get 186. The highest digit is 8, so this is base-9. Convert this to decimal and get 159. The highest digit is 9, so this is a decimal number and we stop. The output shall be 159.
Assume the input is n=17. This will give us 15, then 11, then 3, which we will output since it's a single digit.
Test cases:
87654321 (base-9 -> 42374116 in decimal -> base-7 -> 90419978 in decimal)
41253 (5505 -> 1265 -> 488 -> 404 -> 104 -> 29)
- Standard rules regarding I/O, loopholes etc. You may take the input as a string
- Explanations are encouraged
- You may use builtin base-conversion commands
- Solutions that don't use the language's builtin base-conversion functions (if they exist) are welcome, even if they end up being much longer than the obvious approach using builtin functions.
Apparently, this is OEIS A091047.