
For Gregorian calendars, the date format varies from a country to another. There are three main formats recognized:

  1. YY-MM-DD (big-endian)
  2. DD-MM-YY (little-endian)
  3. MM-DD-YY (middle-endian)

Your task is to write a program which, given an input string representing a date, output all the possible date formats by which this string can be interpreted as a date.


  • The input date is in the format xx-xx-xx, where each field is two digits and zero-padded.
  • The date is always valid (so you cannot get things like 14-13-17)
  • The date is always at least one of the formats above (so you cannot get things like 17-14-11)
  • Because we are in fact in a parallel world, there are 31 days for every month of the year, and consequently no leap years
  • The date is between January 01, 2001 and December 31, 2099
  • If there is only one format for the date, the code must print only it (only trailing newlines are allowed)
  • If there are several formats for the date, they must be either separated by a comma, a space, a newline, or a combination of those
  • You must output the exact name(s) of the format(s). Using distinct arbitrary values is not allowed.
  • No leading or trailing characters others than a trailing space are allowed
  • The output must be lowercase
  • You are not allowed to use any built-in date or calendar functions
  • The output formats do not have to be sorted


Input      Output
30-05-17   big-endian, little-endian
05-15-11   middle-endian
99-01-02   big-endian
12-11-31   big-endian, little-endian, middle-endian
02-31-33   middle-endian

This is so the shortest code in bytes wins. Explanations are encouraged.

  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ You should probably add a test-case using February 31st to make sure answers support that weird case :P \$\endgroup\$ May 30, 2017 at 15:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ Can we output any three distinct values for the three valid formats, or must it be those three exact strings? \$\endgroup\$ May 30, 2017 at 15:48
  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ there are 31 days for every month of the year, and consequently no leap years So this means any date library is effectively useless for this then? \$\endgroup\$ May 30, 2017 at 15:53
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @TheLethalCoder Yes, most date libraries are probably unusable. \$\endgroup\$
    – Jim
    May 30, 2017 at 15:59
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ There are many more formats out there. \$\endgroup\$
    – ugoren
    May 30, 2017 at 21:55

9 Answers 9


Python 2, 123 bytes

for a,b,c in[[b,c,'big'],[b,a,'little'],[a,b,'middle']]:print(c+'-endian')*(a<13)*(b<32),

Try it online!

Python 2, less input parsing, 123 bytes

for a,b,c in[[3,6,'big'],[3,0,'little'],[0,3,'middle']]:print(c+'-endian')*(int(d[a:a+2])<13)*(int(d[b:b+2])<32),

Try it online!

  • \$\begingroup\$ You're allowed to separate with newlines, so can remove the trailing ,. \$\endgroup\$ May 31, 2017 at 4:24

JavaScript (ES6), 121 119 118 112 bytes

Returns a space-delimited string with a trailing space.

s=>['big','little','middle'].map((v,i)=>[b<13&c<32,b<13&a<32,a<13][i]?v+'-endian ':'',[a,b,c]=s.split`-`).join``


We split the input into a, b and c. Because the date is guaranteed to be valid, we know for sure that b is less than 32. Therefore, it's enough to test whether a is less than 13 to validate the middle-endian format. Little-endian and big-endian formats require b to be less than 13 and another test on a and c respectively to validate the day.

Hence the 3 tests:

  • Big-endian: b < 13 & c < 32
  • Little-endian: b < 13 & a < 32
  • Middle-endian: a < 13

Test cases

let f =

s=>['big','little','middle'].map((v,i)=>[b<13&c<32,b<13&a<32,a<13][i]?v+'-endian ':'',[a,b,c]=s.split`-`).join``

console.log(f("30-05-17")) // big-endian, little-endian
console.log(f("05-15-11")) // middle-endian
console.log(f("99-01-02")) // big-endian
console.log(f("12-11-31")) // big-endian, little-endian, middle-endian
console.log(f("02-31-33")) // middle-endian


05AB1E, 40 bytes


Try it online!


'-¡©                                      # split on "-" and store a copy in register
    2£13‹                                 # compare the first 2 elements to 13
         `                                # split as separate to stack
                                          # the bottom element is true if it is middle endian
                                          # the top value is true if it can be big/little
          ®Á                              # retrieve the list from register and rotate right
            2£32‹                         # compare the first 2 elements to 32
                 *                        # multiply with the result of the comparison to 13
                  )˜                      # wrap in a flattened list
                    “Œ±„¥„ê“#             # push the list ['middle', 'big', 'little']
                             Ï            # index into this with the flattened list
                                          # this leaves the types the date could be
                              ’-„–ian’«   # append "-endian" to each
                                       »  # join on newlines

Bash, 240 125 116 112 bytes

IFS=- read a b c<<<$1
((b<13))&&(((a<32))&&echo little$d;((c<32))&&echo big$d);((a<13))&&echo middle$d


Thanks to manatwork for some tips

Saved 9 bytes removing the verification for less than 32 in the middle-endian follwing Arnauld answer

Saved 4 bytes by using different variables instead of an array

Test it!


C#, 180 bytes

t=(n,m)=>int.Parse(n)<13&int.Parse(m)<32;s=>{var a=s.Split('-');return$"{(t(a[1],a[2])?"big-endian":"")} {(t(a[1],a[0])?"little-endian":"")} {(t(a[0],a[1])?"middle-endian":"")}";};

Outputs with only space separated values, can also have leading and trailing spaces. Will update when the OP has clarified on that point if needed.

Full/Formatted version:

Func<string, string, bool> t = (n, m) => int.Parse(n) < 13 & int.Parse(m) < 32;

Func<string, string> f = s =>
    var a = s.Split('-');

    return $"{(t(a[1], a[2]) ? "big-endian" : "")} {(t(a[1], a[0]) ? "little-endian" : "")} {(t(a[0], a[1]) ? "middle-endian" : "")}";
  • \$\begingroup\$ I made the rule more clear: No leading or trailing characters others than a trailing space are allowed \$\endgroup\$
    – Jim
    May 30, 2017 at 18:42

PHP, 151 Bytes

[$a,$b,$c]=sscanf($argn,"%d-%d-%d");$z="-endian ";echo($m=$b&&$b<13)&&$c&&$c<32?big.$z:"",$m&&$a&&$a<32?little.$z:"",$a&&$a<13&&$b&&$b<32?middle.$z:"";



Batch, 138 bytes

@echo off
call:l little %s:-= %
call:e big %4 %3
call:e middle %3 %2
if %2 leq 31 if %3 leq 12 echo %1-endian

Vaguely based on @ovs's answer.


Java 232 bytes

(String s)=>{String[]i=s.split("-");String e="-endian",b="big"+e,m="middle"+e,l="little"+e;int p=Integer.valueOf(i[0]);System.out.print(p<13?Integer.valueOf(i[1])<13?Integer.valueOf(i[2])<32?b+","+m+","+l:m+","+l:m:p<32?b+","+l:b);}

Here's a nicer version

String[] i = s.split("-");

String e = "-endian",
       b = "big" + e,
       m = "middle" + e,
       l = "little" + e;

int p = Integer.valueOf(i[0]);

I didn't really know how to format this part...

        p < 13 ? Integer.valueOf(I[1]) < 13 ? Integer.valueOf(I[2]) < 32 ? b + "," + m + "," + l
                                                                         : m + "," + l
                                            : m 

               : p < 32 ? b + "," + l 
                        : b
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Too many endians: String e="-endian",b="big"+e,m="middle"+e,l="little"+e;. \$\endgroup\$
    – manatwork
    May 30, 2017 at 16:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ Good point, when I decided not to do that I was including an extra "String " in my byte count. @manatwork \$\endgroup\$
    – cheemcheem
    May 30, 2017 at 17:00

PHP, 131 bytes

[$a,$b,$c]=explode('-',$argn);foreach([[big,b,c],[little,b,a],[middle,a,b]]as[$t,$x,$y])echo$$x*$$y&&$$x<13&$$y<32?"$t-endian ":"";

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