

Write a program that produces the following output:

. E   .. I   ... S   .... H
                     ...- V
             ..- U   ..-. F
      .- A   .-. R   .-.. L
             .-- W   .--. P
                     .--- J
- T   -. N   -.. D   -... B
                     -..- X
             -.- K   -.-. C
                     -.-- Y
      -- M   --. G   --.. Z
                     --.- Q
             --- O   ---.  

This is a formatted table of the Morse codes of the letters from A to Z. Each column is separated by three spaces.

There are four missing slots, which are used by international character sets. Your program must write a space there.

The output must consist of ASCII spaces, dots, dashes, uppercase letters and newlines (either LF or CRLF) only.

Your program accepts no input.

The following is a sample Python program that produces the desired output:

b = "."
out = []
last = 0
cx = 0
while b:
    if last >= len(b):
        print("   ".join(out))
        out = ["   ", "    ", "     ", "      "][0:len(b) - 1]
    out.append(b + " " + ch[cx])
    cx += 1
    last = len(b)
    if len(b) < 4:
        b += "."
    elif b[-1] == ".":
        b = b[0:-1] + "-"
        i = len(b) - 1
        while b[i] == "-":
            i -= 1
            if i < 0:
        if i < 0:
        b = b[0:i] + "-"
print("   ".join(out))

This is , so the shortest answer in bytes wins.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ can each line 3 prepending spaces? \$\endgroup\$
    – dzaima
    Commented May 23, 2017 at 18:58
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Standard loopholes disallow solution hard coding. How much of the table are we allowed to hard code? \$\endgroup\$
    – Brunner
    Commented May 23, 2017 at 18:58
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Brunner considering the table is around 450 bytes, I doubt hard coding is the optimal solution \$\endgroup\$
    – Cyoce
    Commented May 23, 2017 at 19:48
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Brunner I don't think hard coding is an issue with Kolgomorov-Complexity challenges, since it is pretty much in the definition of the challenge. It doesn't take input, so how would you get to the solution, other than by hard coding it (and compressing or building it up in some shape or form)? \$\endgroup\$
    – JAD
    Commented May 25, 2017 at 16:29
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Are we allowed to have trailing spaces? \$\endgroup\$
    – Adám
    Commented May 28, 2017 at 21:17

20 Answers 20


Python 3.6, 201 197 193 187 bytes

for i in range(16):print('   '.join(i%k and' '*(2+j)or f'{i//k:0{j}b}'.replace(*'0.').replace(*'1-')+' '+'ETIANMSURWDKGOHVF L PJBXCYZQ  '[2**j-2+i//k]for j,k in zip((1,2,3,4),(8,4,2,1))))

Uses some formatting, unpacking and A000918 magic.

  • \$\begingroup\$ By the way, f'{i//k:0{j}b}'.replace(*'0.').replace(*'1-') is the same length as ''.join('.-'[int(x)]for x in f'{i//k:0{j}b}') \$\endgroup\$
    – Uriel
    Commented May 23, 2017 at 17:59

Jelly, 85 bytes


A full program printing the cheat sheet.

Try it online!


Note: I do think there may be a way to trim this down by forming a list which formats correctly by use of the grid atom, G, but I can't quite work out how.

ØQj⁶“_ȦeƤbṅỌU@⁼Cq’œ?;⁶$⁺ṁ®L€€¤ - Link 1: get "letters" lists: no arguments
ØQ                             - Qwerty yield = ["QWERTYUIOP","ASDFGHJKL","ZXCVBNM"]
  j⁶                           - join with spaces = "QWERTYUIOP ASDFGHJKL ZXCVBNM"
    “_ȦeƤbṅỌU@⁼Cq’             - base 250 number = 23070726812742121430711954614
                  œ?           - lexicographical permutation at index = "ETIANMSURWDKGOHVF L PJBXCYZQ"
                       ⁺       - do this twice:
                      $        -   last two links as a monad
                    ;⁶         -     concatenate a space              = "ETIANMSURWDKGOHVF L PJBXCYZQ  "
                             ¤ - nilad followed by link(s) as a nilad:
                         ®     -   recall from registry (4R2ṗ from the Main link)
                          L€€  -   length for €ach for €ach = [[1,1],[2,2,2,2],[3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3],[4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4]]
                        ṁ      - mould like = ["ET","IANM","SURWDKGO","HVF L PJBXCYZQ  "]

4R2ṗ©ị⁾.-;€€⁶ż"¢;€€⁶$⁺W€€j"731Dẋ@⁶¤ZµKFṚ;⁶ẋ³¤ḣ29ṫ3Ṛµ€Y - Main link: no arguments
4R                                                     - range(4) = [1,2,3,4]
  2ṗ                                                   - Cartesian power with 2 = [[[1],[2]],[[1,1],[1,2],[2,1],[2,2]],...,[...,[2,2,2,2]]]
    ©                                                  - copy to register and yield
      ⁾.-                                              - literal ['.','-']
     ị                                                 - index into (makes all the codes, in four lists by length like reading the output top-bottom, left-right)
         ;€€⁶                                          - concatenate a space to each code
               ¢                                       - call last link (1) as a nilad (get the letters reordered as required)
             ż"                                        - zip left and right with zip dyad
                     ⁺                                 - do this twice:
                    $                                  -   last two links as a monad:
                ;€€⁶                                   -     concatenate a space to each code, letter pair
                      W€€                              - wrap each code, letter pair in a list
                                  ¤                    - nilad follwed by link(s) as a nilad:
                           731                         -   literal 731
                              D                        -   to decimal list = [7,3,1]
                               ẋ@⁶                     -   repeat a space = ["       ","   "," "]
                         j"                            - zip with dyad join
                                   Z                   - transpose
                                    µ              µ€  - for each:
                                     K                 -   join with spaces
                                      F                -   flatten
                                       Ṛ               -   reverse
                                            ¤          -   nilad followed by link(s) as a nilad:
                                         ⁶ẋ³           -     space repeated 100 times
                                        ;              -   concatenate
                                             ḣ29       -   head to 29 (make all "lines" the same length)
                                                ṫ3     -   tail from 3 (trim off two spaces from each line)
                                                  Ṛ    -   reverse
                                                     Y - join with newlines
                                                       - implicit print

Retina, 125 bytes

+m`^((.*?)([-.]+) )(\w)((\w)+?)(((?<-6>)\w)+)$
$2$3 $4   $3. $5¶$.1$*     $3- $7

Try it online! Should be 121 bytes but I was too lazy to deal with the whitespace at the start and end. Explanation:

[blank line]

The letters whose code begins with . and - respectively are preloaded. (It is theoretically possible to avoid preloading the .- but it saves bytes this way.) _s are used instead of spaces as they are considered to be letters which makes them easier to match below.

+m`^((.*?)([-.]+) )(\w)((\w)+?)(((?<-6>)\w)+)$
$2$3 $4   $3. $5¶$.1$*     $3- $7

Here we split each line up into five pieces:

  • The letters for prefixes, if any
  • The current Morse code
  • The current letter
  • The first half of the remaining letters (their next character is .)
  • The second half of the remaining letters (their next character is -)

The pieces are then reassembled onto two lines:

  • The letters for prefixes, the current Morse code, the current letter, the Morse code with a . suffix, the first half of the remaining letters
  • Spaces replacing the first three pieces, the Morse code with a - suffix, the second half of the remaining letters

The new lines follow the same format as the existing line, just with an extra Morse prefix and half as many letters remaining to process. This is then repeated until each line has only one letter.

  [single space]

The _s are then changed back into spaces.


JavaScript (ES6), 154 147 145 bytes

f=(n=r='',d=i=k=0)=>(r+=n&&' '.repeat([d++&&3,21,13,6][i-(i=d-k)])+n+' '+'EISHVUF ARL WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO  '[k++],d<4)?f(n+'.',d)&&f(n+'-',d):r+=`

o.innerHTML = f()
<pre id=o>

  • \$\begingroup\$ Oh dang! I missed this one... wouldn't have bothered otherwise! Well done :-) \$\endgroup\$
    – Bumpy
    Commented May 24, 2017 at 6:59

PHP, 208 Bytes


Try it online!

PHP, 229 Bytes

<?=strtr("3E0.3I053S0.53H12 2.54V1254U05-3F12 25-4 1.4A0.-3R0.-.3L12 2.-.4 12.-4W0.63P12 2.64J
4T0-3N0-.3D0-53B12 2-54X12-.4K0-.-3C12 2-.-4Y1-4M063G06.3Z12 26.4Q1264O0-63 12 2-64 ",[$a="   ","
$a$a","$a $a",". ","- ","..","--"]);

Try it online!


Perl 5, 158 156 bytes

map{$a=sprintf'%04b',$_;map{$a=~/.{$_}/;print(-$'?' 'x$_:$&=~y/01/.-/r,' ',(' EISHVUF ARL WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO  '=~/./g)[!-$'&&++$i],$_-4?'   ':"\n")}1..4}0..15

PHP, 184 183 181 bytes

for(;$y<16;$y++,print str_pad(ltrim("$r
"),28," ",0))for($r="",$c="03231323"[$y&7];$c++<4;)$r.=strtr(sprintf("   %0${c}b ",$y>>4-$c),10,"-.")."EISHVUF ARL WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO  "[$i++];

Run with -nr or try it online.


for(;$y<16;$y++,                                    # loop through rows
    print str_pad(ltrim("$r\n"),28," ",0)               # 4. pad to 28 chars and print
    for($r="",                                          # 1. result=empty
        $c="03231323"[$y&7];                            # 2. $c=bits in 1st code -1
        $c++<4;)                                        # 3. loop through columns
        $r.=strtr(sprintf("   %0${c}b ",$y>>4-$c),10,"-.")  # append morse code
            ."EISHVUF ARL WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO  "[$i++];            # append letter

-7 bytes with leading spaces: Replace ltrim("$r\n") with "$r\n" and 28 with 31.

171 (= -10) bytes with trailing spaces:

for(;$y<16;$y++)for(print str_pad("
",[0,7,14,22][$c="03231323"[$y&7]]);$c++<4;)echo strtr(sprintf("%0${c}b %s   ",$y>>4-$c,"EISHVUF ARL WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO"[$i++]),10,"-.");

breakdown try it online

for(;$y<16;$y++)                                    # loop through rows
        print str_pad("\n",[0,7,14,22][             # 2. print left padding
            $c="03231323"[$y&7]                     # 1. $c=bits in 1st code -1
        $c++<4;)                                        # 3. loop through columns
        echo                                                # print ...
            strtr(sprintf("%0${c}b %s   ",                  # 3. delimiting spaces
            $y>>4-$c,                                       # 1. morse code
            "EISHVUF ARL WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO"[$i++]            # 2. letter
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ No true line break this time? \$\endgroup\$
    – Christoph
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 9:40
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ for(;$y<16;$y++,print str_pad(ltrim("$r\n"),28," ",0))for($r="",$c="03231323"[$y&7];$c++<4;)$r.=strtr(sprintf(" %0${c}b ",$y>>4-$c),10,"-.")."EISHVUF ARL WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO "[$i++]; should save 2 bytes. \$\endgroup\$
    – Christoph
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 9:53
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ It seems you droped a space too much: In the last line ---- doesn't match with the rest. "EISHVUF ARL WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO " should have 2 spaces in the end. \$\endgroup\$
    – Christoph
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 10:59

APL (Dyalog), 92 bytes

Needs ⎕IO←0 which is default on many systems.

0 3↓¯1⌽⍕{' ',(16⍴1↑⍨16÷≢⍵)⍀'.-'[⍉2⊥⍣¯1⍳≢⍵],' ',⍪⍵}¨'ET' 'IANM' 'SURWDKGO' 'HVF L PJBXCYZQ  '

Try it online!

{}¨'' apply the following anonymous function to each of the strings:

⍪⍵ make the argument into a column

' ', prepend a space (on each row)

'.-'[], prepend the string after it has been indexed with:

  ≢⍵ the length of the argument

   the indices of that (0, 1, 2, …, length-1)

  2⊥⍣¯1 anti-base-2 (uses as many bits as needed)

   transpose (from one representation in each column to one in each row)

()⍀ expand by (insert blank rows as indicated by zeros in):

  ≢⍵ the length of the argument

  16÷ divide sixteen by that

  1↑⍨ (over)take from one (makes a list of a one followed by 1-n zeros)

  16⍴ recycle that pattern until it has sixteen elements

' ', prepend a space

 format (the list of tables into a single table, padding each with a space on each side)

¯1⌽ rotate one step right (thus moving the trailing space to the front)

0 3↓ drop zero rows and three columns (thus removing the three leading spaces)

  • \$\begingroup\$ Hey, where does 16÷⍨ appear in your code‽ \$\endgroup\$
    – Adalynn
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 18:30
  • \$\begingroup\$ @ZacharyT It sure doesn't. Nicely spotted, sir. \$\endgroup\$
    – Adám
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 20:16

SOGL, 106 105 102 bytes

¹θΞk“r²{r³³a:IA2─l4;- 0*;+Ζ0.ŗΖ1-ŗø4∫BƧ| ⁵±+⁷b<?⁄@*}+;j;@3*+}±kkk≥x}¹±č┐"7ŗ◄∑f^│N≥Χ±⅜g,ιƨΛ.⌡׀¹*ΛβΧκ‘čŗ

If prepending spaces are allowed, 102 99 bytes

¹θΞk“r²{r³³a:IA2─l4;- 0*;+Ζ0.ŗΖ1-ŗø4∫BƧ| ⁵±+⁷b<?⁄@*}+;j;@3*+}±≥x}¹±č┐"7ŗ◄∑f^│N≥Χ±⅜g,ιƨΛ.⌡׀¹*ΛβΧκ‘čŗ

141 bytes, compression

Πa≤χ≥∫RωθΩ≡⅛QΨ═Λ9⁶Ul¹&╔²‘č"‼¼⁸Ƨ,9█ω½└╗«ωΤC¡ιΝ/RL⌡⁄1↑οπ∞b∑#⁵ø⁶‘č"⁵ ?∙«Σf⁾ƨ╤P1φ‛╤Β«╚Δ≡ΟNa1\÷╬5ŗķ§⁷D◄tFhžZ@š⁾¡M<╔↓u┌⁽7¡?v¦#DΘø⌡ ⁹x≡ō¦;⁵W-S¬⁴‘' n

just wanted to see how well could SOGL do with just compression (well it's got more than just compression, but it's 97% compressed strings)


JavaScript (205 bytes)

for(A='EISHVUF ARL WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO     ',q=0,i=15;30>i++;){for(x=i.toString(2).replace(/(.)/g,a=>1>a?'.':'-'),o='',j=4;j--;)o+=(i%2**j?A.slice(-6+j):x.slice(1,5-j)+' '+A.charAt(q++))+'   ';console.log(o)}

for(A='EISHVUF ARL WPJTNDBXKCYMGZQO     ',q=0,i=15;30>i++;){for(x=i.toString(2).replace(/(.)/g,a=>1>a?'.':'-'),o='',j=4;j--;)o+=(i%2**j?A.slice(-6+j):x.slice(1,5-j)+' '+A.charAt(q++))+'   ';console.log(o)}


Ruby, 144 143 141 bytes

16.times{|i|4.times{|j|$><<("%0#{j+1}b 9   "%(i>>3-j)).tr('109',(i+8&-i-8)>>3-j>0?'-.'+'  OQZGMYCKXBDNTJPW LRA FUVHSIE'[k-=1]:" ")}


k=0                                                     #setup a counter for the letters
16.times{|i|                                            #16 rows    
  4.times{|j|                                           #4 columns
    $><<("%0#{j+1}b 9   "%(i>>3-j)).                    #send to stdout a binary number of j+1 digits, representing i>>3-j, followed by a 9, substituted as follows.
      tr('109',(i+8&-i-8)>>3-j>0?                       #(i&-i) clears all but the least significant 1's bit of i. the 8's ensure a positive result even if i=0.
      '-.'+'  OQZGMYCKXBDNTJPW LRA FUVHSIE'[k-=1]:      #if the expression righshifted appropriately is positive, substitute 1and0 for -and. Substitute 9 for a letter and update counter.
      " ")}                                             #else substiture 1,0 and 9 for spaces.
puts}                                                   #carriage return after each row.

Pyth, 106 bytes

DhNR.n.e+]++.[\.sllN::.Bk\0\.\1\-\ b*]*\ +2sllNt/16lNNjmj*3\ d.t[h"ET"h"IANM"h"SURWDKGO"h"HVF L PJBXCYZQ  

Test it online!


In a few words, what I do here is to generate the table column by column and then transpose the table before printing it. We notice that in a column, the morse codes for the letters can be represented as binary strings (replace . by 0 and - by 1) when counting from zero to the index of the last letter in the column.

The algorithm relies on a function from which I give an example run below (for the second column):

1. Takes "IANM" as input
2. Generates the binary representations of zero up to len("IANM"): ["0", "1", "10", "11"]
3. Replace with dots and hyphens: [".", "-", "-.", "--"]
4. Pad with dots up to floor(log2(len("IANM"))): ["..", ".-", "-.", "--"]
5. Add the corresponding letters: [".. I", ".- A", "-. N", "-- M"]
6. After each element, insert a list of 16 / len("IANM") - 1 (= 3) strings containing only spaces of length floor(log2(len("IANM"))) + 2 (= 4):
    [".. I", ["    ", "    ", "    "], ".- A", ["    ", "    ", "    "], "-. N", ["    ", "    ", "    "], "-- M", ["    ", "    ", "    "]]
7. Flatten that list:
    [".. I", "    ", "    ", "    ", ".- A", "    ", "    ", "    ", "-. N", "    ", "    ", "    ", "-- M", "    ", "    ", "    "]
8. That's it, we have our second column!

Code explanation

I cut the code in two. The first part is the function described above, the second part is how I use the function:

DhNR.n.e+]++.[\.sllN::.Bk\0\.\1\-\ b*]*\ +2sllNt/16lNN

DhNR                                                      # Define a function h taking N returning the rest of the code. N will be a string
      .e                                             N    # For each character b in N, let k be its index
                      .Bk                                 # Convert k to binary
                     :   \0\.                             # Replace zeros with dots (0 -> .)
                    :        \1\-                         # Replace ones with hyphens (1 -> -)
            .[\.sllN                                      # Pad to the left with dots up to floor(log2(len(N))) which is the num of bits required to represent len(N) in binary
          ++                     \ b                      # Append a space and b
         ]                                                # Make a list containing only this string. At this point we have something like [". E"] or [".. I"] or ...
        +                           *]*\ +2sllNt/16lN     # (1) Append as many strings of spaces as there are newlines separating each element vertically in the table
    .n                                                    # At this point the for each is ended. Flatten the resulting list and return it

(1): In the morse table, in the first column, there is seven lines after each line containing a letter ("E" and "T"). In the second column, it is three lines. Then one (third column), then zero (last column). That is 16 / n - 1 where n is the number of letters in the column (which is N in the code above). That what does the code at line (1):

*]*\ +2sllNt/16lN

       sllN          # Computes the num of bits required to represent len(N) in binary
     +2              # To that, add two. We now have the length of a element of the current column
  *\                 # Make a string of spaces of that length (note the trailing space)
           t/16lN    # Computes 16 / len(N) - 1
*]                   # Make a list of that length with the string of spaces (something like ["    ", "    ", ...])

Alright, now we have a nice helpful function h which basically generates a table's column out of a sequence of characters. Let's use it (note the two trailing spaces in the code below):

jmj*3\ d.t[h"ET"h"IANM"h"SURWDKGO"h"HVF L PJBXCYZQ  

           h"ET"                                        # Generate the first column
                h"IANM"                                 # Generate the second column
                       h"SURWDKGO"                      # Generate the third column
                                  h"HVF L PJBXCYZQ      # Generate the last column (note the two trailing spaces)
          [                                             # Make a list out of those columns
        .t                                              # Transpose, because we can print line by line, but not column by column
 mj*3\ d                                                # For each line, join the elements in that line on "   " (that is, concatenate the elements of the lines but insert "   " between each one)
j                                                       # Join all lines on newline

The code can still be shortened; maybe I'll come back on it later.


C, 199 195 bytes

#define P putchar
m;p(i,v){printf("%*s",i&1|!v?v*(v+11)/2:3,"");for(m=1<<v;m;m/=2)P(45+!(i&m));P(32);P("  ETIANMSURWDKGOHVF L PJBXCYZQ  "[i]);v<3?p(2*i,v+1):P(10);++i&1&&p(i,v);}main(){p(2,0);}

Live on coliru (with #include to avoid the warning message.)

UPDATE: Saved four characters by moving the "declaration" of m outside the function, as suggested by @zacharyT

Uses what seems to be a standard strategy: keep the letters in an array-encoded binary tree, so the children of element i are 2*i and 2*i+1. This tree is rooted at 2 rather than 1 because the arithmetic worked out a little shorter, I think. All the rest is golfing.


// Golfed version omits the include
#include <stdio.h>
// Golfed version uses the string rather than a variable.
/* i is the index into tree; v is the number of bits to print (-1) */
void p(int i, int v) {
  /* Golfed version omits all types, so the return type is int.
   * Nothing is returned, but on most architectures that still works although
   * it's UB.
  printf("%*s", i&1 || !v ? v*(v+11)/2 : 3, "");
  /* v*(v+11)/2 is v*(v+1)/2 + 3*v, which is the number of spaces before the odd
   * element at level v. For even elements, we just print the three spaces which
   * separate adjacent elements. (If v is zero, we're at the margin so we
   * suppress the three spaces; with v == 0, the indent will be 0, too.
   * Golfed version uses | instead of || since it makes no semantic difference.

  /* Iterate over the useful bits at this level */
  for (int m=1<<v; m; m/=2) {
    /* Ascii '-' is 45 and '.' is 46, so we invert the tested bit to create the
     * correct ascii code.
    putchar('-' + !(i&m));
  /* Output the character */
  putchar(' ');
  /* Either recurse to finish the line or print a newline */
  if (v<3)
  /* For nodes which have a sibling, recurse to print the sibling */
  if (!(i&1))
    p(i+1, v);

int main(void) {
  • \$\begingroup\$ Could you move the int m to be m; outside of the function? \$\endgroup\$
    – Adalynn
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 17:24
  • \$\begingroup\$ Does this work repl.it/Iqma? \$\endgroup\$
    – Adalynn
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 18:17
  • \$\begingroup\$ @ZacharyT: I suppose it will work but it's one character longer (the open parenthesis in the #define) so there seems little point. \$\endgroup\$
    – rici
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 21:21
  • \$\begingroup\$ I counted 194 bytes with that version, am I missing something? \$\endgroup\$
    – Adalynn
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 23:42

Bubblegum, 133 bytes

000000: e0 01 be 00   7d 5d 00 17   08 05 23 e4   96 22 00 5d │ à.¾.}]....#ä.".]
000010: e5 e9 94 d3   78 24 16 ec   c1 c4 ad d8   6e 4d 41 e8 │ åé.Óx$.ìÁÄ.ØnMAè
000020: a3 a1 82 e6   f4 88 d9 85   6f ae 6b 93   aa 44 c8 e3 │ £¡.æô.Ù.o®k.ªDÈã
000030: 29 6f df 65   aa 4a f8 06   f5 63 1a 73   a7 e4 4d 19 │ )oßeªJø.õc.s§äM.
000040: 03 2c 87 59   7b df 27 41   4b b6 12 dd   7c e5 78 27 │ .,.Y{ß'AK¶.Ý|åx'
000050: 9c 9f 99 db   f6 8e 42 fd   43 68 48 46   37 da d7 21 │ ...Ûö.BýChHF7Ú×!
000060: a9 ca ea be   f4 57 e0 da   c1 16 97 ef   7a 0c e9 3c │ ©Êê¾ôWàÚÁ..ïz.é<
000070: 8e c2 b6 22   ca e4 e5 53   57 f0 f4 fb   a4 fb c0 a7 │ .¶"ÊäåSWðôû¤ûÀ§
000080: ec cd 6e 00   00                                      │ ìÍn..

Compressed as a LZMA stream.


C, 291 bytes

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How it works

First I parsed the string in C, counting spaces which are less than 26 so I encoded them in small case letters a, b, .. z with this little program

for(char*i=t; *i; i++)
    if(*i == ' ') c++;
    else c = 0;

    if(i[1] != ' ' && c > 0) putchar('a'+c-1);
    else if(*i =='\n') putchar('/');
    else if(*i != ' ') putchar(*i);

Then I wrote a parser for that encoding, where / is a new line, and a small-case letter represent t[i] - 'a' spaces

int s(int n)
    while(n--) putchar(32);

    for(char*i=t; *i; i++)
        if(*i < 'a')
            if(*i == '/') putchar('\n');
            else putchar(*i);
        else s(*i-'a'+1);

Bash (with utilities), 254 bytes

tail -n+2 $0|uudecode|bzip2 -d;exit
begin 644 -

Dyalog APL, 159 bytes (non-competing)

↑{X←⍵-1⋄Y←2*⍳4⋄R←Y+(Y÷16)×⍵-1⋄3↓∊{C←R[⍵]⋄'   ',(⍵⍴(1+0=1|C)⊃'    '({⍵⊃'.-'}¨1+(4⍴2)⊤X)),' ',((1+0=1|C)⊃' '((C-1|C)⊃' ETIANMSURWDKGOHVF L PJBXCYZQ  '))}¨⍳4}¨⍳16
  • \$\begingroup\$ Why is this non-competing? \$\endgroup\$
    – Adám
    Commented May 28, 2017 at 20:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ I think you can save a lot by setting ⎕IO←0 (default on many systems) and using (commute). \$\endgroup\$
    – Adám
    Commented May 28, 2017 at 21:06

JavaScript (ES7), 242 240 238 bytes

console.log([...'EISH000V00UF000 0ARL000 00WP000JTNDB000X00KC000Y0MGZ000Q00O 000 '].map((a,k)=>(n=>(a!='0'?(2**n+(k>>2)/2**(4-n)).toString(2).slice(-n).replace(/./g,c=>'.-'[c])+' '+a:'      '.slice(-n-2))+(n<4?'   ':'\n'))(k%4+1)).join``)

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–2 bytes thanks to Zachary.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Try changing a!='0' to a!=0 \$\endgroup\$
    – Cyoce
    Commented May 23, 2017 at 21:21
  • \$\begingroup\$ Can you replace .join('') with .join<insert backtick here><insert backtick here> ? (<insert backtick here> being replaced with actual backticks) \$\endgroup\$
    – Adalynn
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 17:37
  • \$\begingroup\$ As Cyoce said, try changing a!='0' toa!=0, that should work. \$\endgroup\$
    – Adalynn
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 18:26
  • \$\begingroup\$ @ZacharyT No it doesn’t, but thanks again. \$\endgroup\$
    – eush77
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 18:45
  • \$\begingroup\$ Sorry, forgot about the ''case. \$\endgroup\$
    – Adalynn
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 19:16

Deadfish~, 1329 bytes


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Excel, 208 bytes

=LET(x,ROW(1:16)-1,d,{1,2,3,4},y,4-d,z,2^y,m,IF(MOD(x,z)=0,SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(DEC2BIN(x/z,d),"0","."),"1","-")&" "&MID(" ETIANMSURWDKGOHVF L PJBXCYZQ",2^d+x/z,1),""),CONCAT(m&IF(y,REPT(" ",9-LEN(m)),"


=LET(x,ROW(1:16)-1,                                    'x = {0..15} 0-indexed row
d,{1,2,3,4},                                           'd = {1..4} 1-indexed column length of code
y,4-d,                                                 'y = {3..0} 
z,2^y,                                                 'z = {8,4,2,1}
m,IF(MOD(x,z)=0,                                       'm = if x%z = 0 then 
                      DEC2BIN(x/z,y)                   '   binary representation of x/z length y   
SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(              ,"0","."),"1","-") '   change "0" to "." and "1" to "-" 
&" "&MID(" ETIANMSURWDKGOHVF L PJBXCYZQ",2^d+x/z,1),   '   & " " & corresponding letter
""),                                                   '   else ""
CONCAT(m&IF(y,REPT(" ",9-LEN(m)),"                     'concatenate the elements of m and pad w/ spaces and line feeds

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