You are to create a program that creates exact clones of itself infinitely until stopped. Whatever is in the original program must be in the clones. In other words, the clones and original program are the same in every way except for that the clones don't have to be in the same type of file as the source code (they can be text files).
If my original program is:
for i in range(0, 10):
print i
the clone must also be:
for i in range(0, 10):
print i
Rules and Clarifications:
Standard loopholes are forbidden
The clones must be the exact copy of the original
The clones must be readable files that can be run if put inside the correct interpreter
The program can read its own source code
All clones must be separate files
Printing your program out is not allowed
File names count into the number of bytes
The clones don't have to be in the same directory as the source file nor share the same file name
At least 1000 clones should be able to be created
Least bytes wins!