This is part of a Cops and Robbers challenge. Go here for the cops' part.
For the purpose of this challenge, we'll define whitespace as only linefeeds (0x0A) and spaces (0x20). Note that most languages and regex flavours consider many other characters as whitespace as well, both inside and outside the ASCII range so you might not be able to make use of the corresponding built-ins.
The Robbers' Challenge
A cop's answer can be cracked by transforming it into a valid program or function (in the chosen language), which performs the task of removing whitespace from an input string, by inserting whitespace into the code. For example if you received the following input:
H e l l o,
W o r l d!
The program should output
After inserting whitespace, the byte count of the solution must not exceed the byte count stated in the cop's answer. You don't have to find the exact same solution as the cop intended, as long as yours is valid by the above constraints.
If you manage this, post an answer with the solution, linking to the cop's answer, and leave a comment on the cop's answer linking back to yours.
The robber who cracks the most cop answers wins. Ties are broken by the sum of sizes of the cracked cop answers (in favour of the robber who cracks longer submissions).
Each cop answer can only be cracked once, and of course, you're not allowed to crack your own answer. If the cop's answer turns out to be invalid before or after being cracked, it is not counted towards the robber's score.