Suppose we have a network of railroads. Each junction in the network is controlled by a switch, which determines whether an incoming train turns left or right. The switches are configured so that each time a train passes, the switch changes direction: if it was pointing left, it now points right, and vice versa. Given the structure of the network and the initial positions of the switches, your task is to determine whether a train can eventually pass through it.
This challenge was inspired by this article.
Your input is a non-empty list S of pairs S[i] = (L, R), where each of L and R is an index of S (either 0-based or 1-based), in any reasonable format. This includes a 2 × N matrix, an N × 2 matrix, two lists of length N, or a list of length 2N.
Each pair represents a junction of the network, and L and R point to the junctions that are reached by turning left and right from the junction. They may be equal and/or point back to the junction i. All junctions initially point left.
A train is placed on the first junction S[0]. On each "tick", it travels to the junction that its current switch points to, and that switch is then flipped to point to the other direction. Your output shall be a truthy value if the train eventually reaches the last junction S[length(S)-1], and a falsy value if is doesn't.
Consider this network:
This corresponds to the input [(1,2),(0,3),(2,0),(2,0)]
The train travels the following route:
[0] -L-> [1] -L-> [0] -R-> [2] -L-> [2] -R-> [0] -L-> [1] -R-> [3]
Since the train reached its destination, the last junction, the correct output is truthy.
For the input [(1,2),(0,3),(2,2),(2,0)]
we have the following route:
[0] -L-> [1] -L-> [0] -R-> [2] -L-> [2] -R-> [2] -L-> [2] -R-> ...
This time, the train got stuck in the junction 2
, and will never reach the destination.
The correct output is thus falsy.
Rules and scoring
You can write a full program or a function, and the lowest byte count wins. Consider skimming the article, as it may contain useful info for writing a solution.
Test cases
These have 0-based indexing.
[(0,0)] -> True
[(0,1),(0,0)] -> True
[(0,0),(1,0)] -> False
[(1,2),(0,3),(2,0),(1,2)] -> True
[(1,2),(0,3),(2,2),(1,2)] -> False
[(1,2),(3,0),(2,2),(1,2)] -> True
[(1,2),(2,0),(0,2),(1,2)] -> False
[(0,2),(4,3),(0,4),(1,2),(4,1)] -> True
[(4,0),(3,0),(4,0),(2,0),(0,4)] -> True
[(1,4),(3,2),(1,4),(5,3),(1,0),(5,2)] -> True
[(3,1),(3,2),(1,5),(5,4),(1,5),(3,2)] -> True
[(1,2),(5,0),(3,2),(2,4),(2,3),(1,6),(1,2)] -> False
[(4,9),(7,3),(5,2),(6,4),(6,5),(5,4),(3,2),(6,8),(8,9),(9,1)] -> False
[(2,7),(1,5),(0,8),(9,7),(5,2),(0,4),(7,6),(8,3),(7,0),(4,2)] -> True
[(4,9),(7,3),(3,2),(8,3),(1,2),(1,1),(7,7),(1,1),(7,3),(1,9)] -> False
[(0,13),(3,6),(9,11),(6,12),(14,11),(11,13),(3,8),(8,9),(12,1),(5,7),(2,12),(9,0),(2,1),(5,2),(6,4)] -> False
[(6,0),(1,2),(14,1),(13,14),(8,7),(6,4),(6,10),(9,10),(10,5),(10,9),(8,12),(14,9),(4,6),(11,10),(2,6)] -> False
[(1,3),(9,17),(5,1),(13,6),(2,11),(17,16),(6,12),(0,8),(13,8),(10,2),(0,3),(12,0),(3,5),(4,19),(0,15),(9,2),(9,14),(13,3),(16,11),(16,19)] -> True