Write a program with the following properties:
When run as-is, the program produces no output (i.e. 0 bytes of output).
There is a location within the program (of your choice: it could be at the start, end, or somewhere in the middle) with the following property: modifying the program via placing any string there will cause the resulting program to print that string when executed.
This must work regardless of whether the string contains quotes, backslashes, comment marks, delimiters, NUL bytes, etc.; no matter what you place there, the string is still interpreted as a string and printed entirely verbatim. You can, however, fail to handle very very long strings if they would cause the compiler to run out of memory, or the like (to be precise, you should at least be able to handle strings up to 1000 bytes long or three times the length of your program, whichever is longer).
An example of an invalid solution would be
# ^ text goes here
in Python, Perl, Ruby, etc.; although it works for many strings, it will not work for a string containing a double quote, or a string containing the substring \n
(which would be interpreted as a newline).
Note that this problem is probably impossible in most languages; the challenge is at least partially about finding a language where it works. Your chosen language must be a programming language under this site's definition, e.g. no submitting a solution in Text.
As this is a code-golf, the shortest program template wins. However, do not be discouraged from submitting solutions even if they can't beat the current winner! You can still compete for second, third, etc. place, or simply to find as many answers where it works as possible. You should, however, ensure that your program meets the entire specification before submitting it; approximate solutions would miss the point of the problem.
, just1
would do it. \$\endgroup\$