This is Bub. Bub is a soccer player. However, he's not a very good one. He still can't kick the ball to the net! (If you haven't noticed, @
is the ball.
| \
O | \
\|/ | \
| | net \
/ ─ @ |_________\
To help develop his skills, he's developed a system to help evaluate his performance when he kicks the ball. He's called it the "10 point system."
However, he doesn't know what he needs to do to achieve x number of points. You need to help him visualize where the ball will be, so that he can set an expectation of how many points he wants to get. There are 10 points per round that he can achieve.
Therefore, this is your challenge.
Given a number x, the number of points Bub gets, output the location of the ball on the field. Here are some helpful markers:
- Bub is exactly 50 spaces away from the net.
- For each point that Bub gets, the ball moves 5 spaces closer to the net. Therefore, if Bub gets 3 points, the ball is 35 spaces away from the net.
- For every 3 points that Bub gets, the ball begins to move in the air! It moves one space up.
- If the number of points Bub gets would move the ball behind the net, you can put the ball anywhere inside the net.
Remember, you need to draw Bub, the ball, and the net.
To get you started, here's an example:
Number of Points: 5
| \
O | \
\|/ | \
| @ | \
/ ─ |_________\
Standard rules apply. Code with the lowest number of bytes wins! Happy golfing!
There are 10 points per round that he can achieve
, why sould we care about n>10? \$\endgroup\$