Java 8, Java 10, 3884 799/795 program + 484 output = 4368 1283/1279 total
There are two limitations of this code:
- It assumes that variables from A to Z are free. (uppercase)
- It assumes that there are no more than 27 substitutions.
- Oh, and because Scanner doesn't quite cut it, empty input dumps out stacktrace.
But hey - there is a pro!
- Outputs best code. Always.
The code manages to perform better than examples provided by challenge author.
This golfed version has been made by Kevin.
Java 8
c->{List<String>S=new Stack();HashMap<String,Integer>h=new HashMap(),s=new HashMap();int v=65,l=c.length(),b,e;do{for(b=0,l=c.length(),s.clear();b!=l;b++)for(e=b;++e<=l;)S.add(c.substring(b,e));S.removeIf(t->t.length()<5|t.matches(".*[\n|<%>].*"));S.forEach(t->h.merge(t,1,Integer::sum));S.clear();h.entrySet().removeIf(t->t.getValue()==1);String Y=c;int L=l;char V=(char)v;h.forEach((k,x)->{String i=Y,t;for(int j,I,q;i.contains(k);i=t+"%"+V+"%"+i.substring(j+k.length(),i.length())){for(I=-1,t=i.substring(q=0,j=i.indexOf(k));(I=t.indexOf("%",++I))>=0;q++);if(q%2>0)return;}i="SET "+V+"="+k+"\n"+i;if(i.length()<L)s.put(i,L-i.length());});h.clear();v++;c=s.isEmpty()?c:s.entrySet().stream().max((x,y)->x.getValue()>y.getValue()?1:-1).get().getKey();}while(l>c.length());return c;}
Try it online!
Java 10
c->{var S=new Stack<String>();HashMap<String,Integer>h=new HashMap(),s=new HashMap();int v=65,l=c.length(),b,e;do{for(b=0,l=c.length(),s.clear();b!=l;b++)for(e=b;++e<=l;)S.add(c.substring(b,e));S.removeIf(t->t.length()<5|t.matches(".*[\n|<%>].*"));S.forEach(t->h.merge(t,1,(x,y)->x+y));S.clear();h.entrySet().removeIf(t->t.getValue()==1);var Y=c;int L=l;var V=(char)v;h.forEach((k,x)->{String i=Y,t;for(int j,I,q;i.contains(k);i=t+"%"+V+"%"+i.substring(j+k.length(),i.length())){for(I=-1,t=i.substring(q=0,j=i.indexOf(k));(I=t.indexOf("%",++I))>=0;q++);if(q%2>0)return;}i="SET "+V+"="+k+"\n"+i;if(i.length()<L)s.put(i,L-i.length());});h.clear();v++;c=s.isEmpty()?c:s.entrySet().stream().max((x,y)->x.getValue()>y.getValue()?1:-1).get().getKey();}while(l>c.length());return c;}
Try it online!.
Original version
It's not golfed at all, I just wanted to have some fun, not to suffer. If you, dear reader, would like to golf this answer, please do it.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
public class Main {
List<String> substrings = new ArrayList<String>();
HashMap<String, Integer> hm = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
HashMap<String, Integer> scores = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
private int v1 = 65;
public static String rfos(String inputString, String stringToReplace,
String stringToReplaceWith) {
int length = stringToReplace.length();
int inputLength = inputString.length();
int startingIndexofTheStringToReplace = inputString.indexOf(stringToReplace);
if(count(inputString.substring(0, startingIndexofTheStringToReplace), "%") % 2 == 1)
return null;
String finalString = inputString.substring(0, startingIndexofTheStringToReplace) + stringToReplaceWith
+ inputString.substring(startingIndexofTheStringToReplace + length, inputLength);
return finalString;
public static int count(String text, String find) {
int index = 0, count = 0, length = find.length();
while( (index = text.indexOf(find, index)) != -1 ) {
index += length; count++;
return count;
private String process(String program) {
int begin = 0, end, il = program.length();
while(begin != program.length()) {
for(end = begin + 1; end < program.length() + 1; end++)
substrings.add(program.substring(begin, end));
substrings.removeIf(new Predicate<String>() {
public boolean test(String arg0) {
return arg0.length() <= 4 || arg0.contains("\n")
|| arg0.contains("|")
|| arg0.contains("<")
|| arg0.contains("%")
|| arg0.contains(">");
substrings.forEach(new Consumer<String>() {
public void accept(String t) {
if(hm.containsKey(t)) {
hm.replace(t, hm.get(t) + 1);
} else {
hm.put(t, 1);
hm.entrySet().removeIf(new Predicate<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>() {
public boolean test(Map.Entry<String, Integer> t) {
return t.getValue() == 1;
hm.forEach(new BiConsumer<String, Integer>() {
public void accept(String arg0, Integer arg1) {
String iteration = program;
boolean between = false;
while(iteration.contains(arg0)) {
iteration = rfos(iteration, arg0, "%" + Character.toString((char) v1) + "%");
if(iteration == null)
iteration = "SET " + Character.toString((char) v1) + "=" + arg0 + "\n" + iteration;
if(iteration.length() < program.length())
scores.put(iteration, program.length() - iteration.length());
return program;
return scores.entrySet().stream().max((entry1, entry2) -> entry1.getValue() > entry2.getValue() ? 1 : -1).get().getKey();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Main processor = new Main();
int genid = 0, before = 0, after = 0;
String currentCode = new Scanner("\\Z").next();
System.out.println("Calculating first generation...");
do {
String cc = processor.process(currentCode);
before = currentCode.length();
after = cc.length();
currentCode = cc;
if(before > after) {
System.out.println("Generation " + genid++);
System.out.println(before + " -> " + after);
System.out.println("***\n" + cc + "\n***");
} else {
System.out.println("Generation FAIL " + genid++);
System.out.println(before + " -> " + after);
System.out.println("***\n" + cc + "\n***");
} while(before > after);
Example output:
SET increment=10
IF 3==4 ( %A%4 ) ELSE ( %A%5 )
IF 5==3 ( %B%l ) ELSE ( %B%k )
Try it online!
AAA %increment%
→set a=increment¶AAA %%a%%
is invalid, andAAA %1 BBB %2
→set a= BBB ¶AAA %1%a%%2
is valid. (iirc) So you need to formalize it. (¶
represents a newline) \$\endgroup\$@
before theSET
) is extraneous output acceptable from the golfed program? \$\endgroup\$