Given a ragged list of positive integers find the size of the largest list contained somewhere in it.
For example:
Here the answer is 6 because one of the lists has 6 elements and all other lists have fewer.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
The length doesn't care in any way about the value of the elements, so a list can be longer than the list that contains it.
Given a ragged list of positive integers output the size of the largest list contained somewhere in it. You may take input in any reasonable format.
This is code-golf so answers will be scored in bytes with the goal being to minimize the size of your source-code.
[] -> 0
[[]] -> 1
[1,2,3] -> 3
[[1,2,3]] -> 3
[1,2,[],1] -> 4
[1,[1,[8,2,[1,2],5,4,9]],2,[],3] -> 6