Input: A positive integer \$n\$
Create a list in the range \$[1,n]\$, and join it together to a string (i.e. \$n=13\$ would be the string 12345678910111213
Now we output a triangle using the prefixes or suffixes of this string, in one of the following four orientations based on the input integer:
- If \$n\equiv 0\pmod 4\$, output it in the triangle shape ◣
- If \$n\equiv 1\pmod 4\$, output it in the triangle shape ◤
- If \$n\equiv 2\pmod 4\$, output it in the triangle shape ◥
- If \$n\equiv 3\pmod 4\$, output it in the triangle shape ◢
Input: \$n=13\$
Because \$13\equiv 1\pmod 4\$, the shape will be ◤. Here three possible valid outputs:
12345678910111213 11111111111111111 12345678910111213
1234567891011121 2222222222222222 2345678910111213
123456789101112 333333333333333 345678910111213
12345678910111 44444444444444 45678910111213
1234567891011 5555555555555 5678910111213
123456789101 666666666666 678910111213
12345678910 77777777777 78910111213
1234567891 8888888888 8910111213
123456789 999999999 910111213
12345678 11111111 10111213
1234567 0000000 0111213
123456 111111 111213
12345 11111 11213
1234 1111 1213
123 222 213
12 11 13
1 3 3
Challenge rules:
- As you can see at the three valid outputs above, only the correct shape and using all the digits in the correct order is important. Apart from that you're free to use prefixes or suffixes; reverses/reflects; diagonal printing; etc. etc. Any of the six possible outputs for each shape is allowed (see the test case below to see all valid outputs based on the shape). This allows languages with rotation builtins to use it, but those without can also use an alternative approach of using the prefixes in the correct size from top-to-bottom, or using the prefixes for two of the shapes but suffixes for the other two shapes. Choosing the most appropriate output options for your language is part of the golfing process. :)
- Input is guaranteed to be a positive integer. For \$n=1\$ we simply output
. - Any amount of leading/trailing newlines/spaces are allowed, as long as it prints the correct triangle (without vertical nor horizontal delimiters!) somewhere on the screen.
General rules:
- This is code-golf, so shortest answer in bytes wins.
Don't let code-golf languages discourage you from posting answers with non-codegolfing languages. Try to come up with an as short as possible answer for 'any' programming language. - Standard rules apply for your answer with default I/O rules, so you are allowed to use STDIN/STDOUT, functions/method with the proper parameters and return-type, full programs. Your call.
- Default Loopholes are forbidden.
- If possible, please add a link with a test for your code (i.e. TIO).
- Also, adding an explanation for your answer is highly recommended.
Test cases:
Input: \$n=5\$
All possible valid outputs:
12345 54321 12345 54321 11111 55555
1234 5432 2345 4321 2222 4444
123 543 345 321 333 333
12 54 45 21 44 22
1 5 5 1 5 1
Input: \$n=6\$
All possible outputs:
123456 654321 123456 654321 111111 666666
12345 65432 23456 54321 22222 55555
1234 6543 3456 4321 3333 4444
123 654 456 321 444 333
12 65 56 21 55 22
1 6 6 1 6 1
Input: \$n=7\$
All possible outputs:
1 1 7 7 7 1
12 21 67 76 66 22
123 321 567 765 555 333
1234 4321 4567 7654 4444 4444
12345 54321 34567 76543 33333 55555
123456 654321 234567 765432 222222 666666
1234567 7654321 1234567 7654321 1111111 7777777
Input: \$n=8\$
All possible outputs:
1 1 8 8 8 1
12 21 78 87 77 22
123 321 678 876 666 333
1234 4321 5678 8765 5555 4444
12345 54321 45678 87654 44444 55555
123456 654321 345678 876543 333333 666666
1234567 7654321 2345678 8765432 2222222 7777777
12345678 87654321 12345678 87654321 11111111 88888888
Input: \$n=1\$
Only possible output:
Input: \$n=2\$
All possible outputs:
12 21 12 21 11 22
1 2 2 1 2 1
, can the topmost row be'33333333333333333'
(or, equivalently,'31211101987654321'
)? \$\endgroup\$mod 4
are strict pairs for this challenge. So you may not switch the four shapes for the fourmod 4
cases. But good question nonetheless. \$\endgroup\$