As a follow up to Shortest terminating program whose output size exceeds Graham's number and Golf a number bigger than TREE(3), I present a new challenge.
Loader's number is a very large number, that is kind of hard to explain (since it was itself the result of a code golfing exercise with a flexible goal). There is a definition and explanation here, but for the purposes of self-containment, I will attempt to explain it later in this post as well.
The algorithm Ralph Loader used produces one of the largest numbers of any (computable) algorithm ever written! Indeed, Loader's number is the largest "computable" number on the Googology Wiki. (By "computable" number, they mean a number defined in terms of a computation.) That means that if answer produces a number larger than Loader's number in an interesting way (i.e. not just Loader's number+1), you could go down in Googology history! That being said, programs that produce something like Loader's number+1 are definitely valid answers and contenders to this question; just don't expect any fame.
Your job is to create a terminating program that produces a number larger than Loader's number. This is code-golf, so the shortest program wins!
- You aren't allowed to take input.
- Your program must eventually terminate deterministically but you can assume the machine has infinite memory.
- You may assume your language's number type can hold any finite value but need to explain how this exactly works in your language (ex: does a float have infinite precision?)
- Infinities are not allowed as output.
- Underflow of a number type throws an exception. It does not wrap around.
- You need to provide an explanation of why your number is so big and an ungolfed version of your code to check if your solution is valid (since there is no computer with enough memory to store Loader's number).
So here is an explanation of Loader's number. See and the links therein for more precise details. In particular, it contains a program that produces Loader's number exactly (by definition).
The calculus of constructions is essentially a programming language with very particular properties.
First of all, every syntactically valid program terminates. There are no infinite loops. This will be very useful, because it means that if we run an arbitrary calculus of constructions program, our program will not get stuck. The problem is that this implies the calculus of constructions is not Turing complete.
Second of all, among non-Turing complete languages, it is one of the most powerful. Essentially, if you can prove that a Turing machine will halt on every input, you can program a function in the calculus of constructions that will simulate it. (This does not make it turing complete, because there are halting turing machines that you can not prove are halting.)
Loader's number is essentially a busy beaver number for the calculus of constructions, which is possible to compute since all coc programs terminate.
In particular, loader.c defines a function called D
. Approximately, D(x)
iterates over all bit-strings less than x
, interprets them as a coc programs, runs the syntactically valid ones, and concatenates the results (which will also be bitstrings). It returns this concatenation.
Loader's number is D(D(D(D(D(99)))))
A more readable copy of the code from the googolology wiki
int r, a;
P(y,x){return y- ~y<<x;}
Z(x){return r = x % 2 ? 0 : 1 + Z (x / 2 );}
L(x){return x/2 >> Z(x);}
int f = L(t);
int x = r;
return f-2 ? f>2 ? f-v ? t-(f>v)*c : y : P(f,P(S(v,y,c,L(x)), S(v+2,t=S(4,13,-4,y),c,Z(x)))) : A(S(v,y,c,L(x)),S(v,y,c,Z(x)));
A(y,x){return L(y)-1 ? 5<<P(y,x) : S(4,x,4,Z(r));}
int f;
int d;
int c=0;
int t=7;
int u=14;
d = L(L(D(x))),
f = L(r),
x = L(r),
c - r||(L(u)||L(r)-f||(x/=2)%2&&(u=S(4,d,4, r),t=A(t,d)),f/2&(x/=2)%2&&(c=P(d,c),t=S(4,13,-4,t),u=S(4,13,-4,u))),
return a = P( P( t, P( u, P( x, c)) ),a);
main(){return D(D(D(D(D(99)))));}