Given two question IDs, try to figure out how similar they are by looking at the answers.
You will be given two question IDs for
; you may assume that there exist questions for both IDs that are not deleted, but are not necessarily open. You must run through all of the answers and determine the minimum Levenshtein distance between the code in the answers to the two questions (not including deleted answers). That is, you should compare every answer in question 1 to every answer in question 2, and determine the minimum Levenshtein distance. To find the code in an answer, assume the following procedure:
How to find the code snippet
A body of text is the answer's actual code if it is in backticks and is on its own line, or if it is indented with 4 spaces, with an empty line above it, unless there is no text above.
Examples of valid and not-valid code snippets (with .
as a space) (separated by a ton of equal signs)
This is `not a valid code snippet because it is not on its own line`
This is:
`A valid code snippet`
This is
....not a valid code snippet because there's no spacing line above
This is
....A valid code snippet because there's a spacing line above
....Valid code snippet because there's no other text
If there are no valid code snippets in the answer, ignore the answer completely. Note that you should only take the first codeblock.
Final Specs
The two question IDs can be inputted in any reasonable format for 2 integers. The output should be the smallest Levenshtein distance between any two valid answers from either challenge. If there are no "valid" answers for one or both of the challenges, output -1
Test Case
For challenge 115715
(Embedded Hexagons) and 116616
(Embedded Triangles) both by Comrade SparklePony, the two Charcoal answers (both by KritixiLithos) had a Levenshtein distance of 23, which was the smallest. Thus, your output for 115715, 116616
would be 23
You may assume that the question has at most 100 answers because of an API pagesize restriction. You should not ignore backticks in code blocks, only if the code block itself is created using backticks and not on its own line.
I terminated the bounty period early because I made a request to a mod to get a one-week suspension and I didn't want the bounty to be automatically awarded to the highest scoring answer (which happens to be the longest). If a new submission comes in or a submission is golfed enough to become shorter than 532 bytes before the actual end of the bounty period (UTC 00:00 on Jun 1), I will give that a bounty to stay true to my promise, after the suspension expires. If I remember correctly, I need to double the bounty period next time so if you do get an answer in, you might get +200 :)