
This idea came to me when I saw my little brother playing with my calculator :D

The task

Taking a integer as an input, print that many graphical square roots under each other, like this:

n = 1

\/ 1

n = 3
   / _____
  / / ___
\/\/\/ 3

n = 5

     / _________
    / / _______
   / / / _____
  / / / / ___
\/\/\/\/\/ 5

n = 10

          / ____________________
         / / __________________
        / / / ________________
       / / / / ______________
      / / / / / ____________
     / / / / / / __________
    / / / / / / / ________
   / / / / / / / / ______
  / / / / / / / / / ____
\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 10

Each root consists of 4 parts, which I'm going to very scientifically name:

(s is the root size on the stack of roots, n is the input number, x is the number of digits)

  1. The "tail", which is a single \
  2. The "wall", which consists of / * s
  3. The "roof", which consists of _ * 2 * s + x
  4. And the number n under the smallest root, placed in the centre (leaving one empty space under the last _ in the smallest root)


You must take input of the number n, no hardcoding the n


The ascii roots your program made

This is a code-golf challenge, so lowest byte count for each language wins!

  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ Will the number exceed the digit 9? \$\endgroup\$
    – user92069
    Commented May 9, 2020 at 8:36
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ @Λ̸̸ good catch, will edit the rules. Yes, it can exceed the digit 9, updating the rules to clarify what to do \$\endgroup\$
    – Dion
    Commented May 9, 2020 at 8:38
  • \$\begingroup\$ Related (the same idea, but different art) \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 9, 2020 at 12:10
  • 22
    \$\begingroup\$ Why does the input have to be from STDIN and out to STDOUT? That seems like an unnecessarily arbitrary restriction. \$\endgroup\$
    – S.S. Anne
    Commented May 9, 2020 at 14:12
  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ @RossPresser Less interesting than you might think: with input s as a string, l = s.splitlines()[-1]; print(int(l[l.index(' '):]) ** (1 / l.count('/'))). \$\endgroup\$
    – Danica
    Commented May 11, 2020 at 18:31

31 Answers 31


Python 2, 104 94 89 81 79 bytes

while s:print' '*s,'/ '*(n-s)+'_'*(2*s+len(`n`));s-=1

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Edit 1: Forgot I switched to python 2 lol

Edit 2: Thanks @ElPedro for the idea of switching to while loop!

Edit 3: Thanks @SurculoseSputum for saving 8 bytes!

Edit 4: Thanks @xnor for saving 2 bytes!

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Λ̸̸ XD my answer could probably be much shorter \$\endgroup\$
    – Dion
    Commented May 9, 2020 at 9:03
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ You posted a minute before I did and mine is so similar that I'll delete and try to golf yours instead :) \$\endgroup\$
    – ElPedro
    Commented May 9, 2020 at 9:09
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @ElPedro yep, I saw your answer and remembered that i switched to python 2 for all of the savings) \$\endgroup\$
    – Dion
    Commented May 9, 2020 at 9:10
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ @ElPedro 89 bytes :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Dion
    Commented May 9, 2020 at 9:18
  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ @Dion -~ bitwise negates (evaluated -1-x), then negates. This basically increments the number. You can take a look at this post. \$\endgroup\$
    – user92069
    Commented May 9, 2020 at 9:47

JavaScript (ES6),  104 102  99 bytes

A recursive function starting with the last line and using regular expressions to update each line above.

f=(n,s='\\/'.repeat(n)+(e=' ')+n)=>~n?f(n-1,e+s.replace(/\\/g,e).replace(/.(?!.*\/)/g,'_'))+`

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We generate the bottom line with:

s = '\\/'.repeat(n) + (e = ' ') + n

For instance, this gives "\/\/\/\/ 4" for \$n=4\$.


We get rid of the backslashes with:

s.replace(/\\/g, e)

We create the 'roof' or increase its size with:

.replace(/.(?!.*\/)/g, '_')

which means: replace with an underscore each character that doesn't have any slash on its right.

This leads to:

 / _______
 / / _____
 / / / ___
\/\/\/\/ 4

And with a leading space inserted at each iteration:

    / _______ 
   / / _____ 
  / / / ___ 
\/\/\/\/ 4 

Erlang (escript), 188 bytes

f(0,N)->string:copies("\\/",N)++" "++integer_to_list(N);f(X,N)->string:copies(" ",X+1)++string:copies("/ ",N-X)++string:copies("_",2*X+floor(math:log10(N)+1))++"

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f(N)->f(N,N).   % Assign the counter to the input.
f(X,N)->        % While the counter isn't 0:
string:copies(" ",X+1)
                %     Repeat the space counter + 1 times

++string:copies("/ ",N-X)
                %     Repeat "/ " input - counter times

                %     Repeat the "_" that many times:

2*X             %     The counter doubled
                %     Plus the length of the digit(s) of the input
"               %     Join the above, and append a newline
++f(X-1,N).     %     Decrement the counter by 1

f(0,N)->        % If the counter turns into 0:
                %     Repeat "\/" input times

++" "           %     Append a space
                %     Append the number converted into a string

Mathematica (Notebook) 30 bytes

Only in Spirit ;-)


produces the nested radicals

enter image description here

in the spirit but not the letter of the problem.


Input[]              //take input

Nest[f,expr,n]       //apply f to expr n times i.e. f[f[f[f[f....[expr]]..]] with n fs
Nest[f,#,#]&         //define a lambda that applies f to arg #, # times
Nest[f,#,#]&@Input[] //apply the lambda Nest[f,#,#]& to the value of Input[]

√#&                  //define a lambda that puts arg # inside √
Defer@√#&            //define a lambda that puts arg # inside √ buts keeps the mathematical square root unevaluated

                     //apply the lambda Defer@√#& to Input, Input no of times 


05AB1E, 30 bytes

-4 bytes thanks to Kevin Cruijssen.

Lε-„/ ×'_y·¹g+׫y>ú}R„\/¹×¹‚ª»

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  • \$\begingroup\$ 𫹫 can be ¹‚ for -2 (» will join all inner lists by spaces before joining by newlines). And another -2 by changing >ðׄ/ ¹y-×'_y·¹g+×J to -„/ ×'_y·¹g+׫y>ú (the ¹y- has been golfed to - for -2, and the >ð× has been replaced with a trailing y>ú for the same byte-count). So combined it's 30 bytes. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 11, 2020 at 6:31
  • \$\begingroup\$ 29 bytes \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 3, 2022 at 9:38

Pyth, 34 bytes

VQj*N"/ ",*hJ-QNd*+l`QyJ\_;jd,*"\/

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Loop the variable N over 0 to Q (the input) minus 1

j*N"/ "

Join the following using N instances of "/ ":


The two element list of...


... {Q - N + 1} space characters (d is the space character in Pyth). Store the value of Q minus N in the variable J so we can use it later.


... {J times 2, plus the number of digits of Q} instances of the string "_"


End of loop


Join the following using a space:

  • Q instances of the string "\/"

  • Q casted to a string

Conveniently, the string literal is implicitly closed, and the two Qs are implicitly appended to the end of the program.


PowerShell, 88 84 bytes

param($n)1..$n|%{' '*($m=$n- --$_)+' /'*$_+' '+'_'*(2*$m+"$n".length)}
'\/'*$n+" $n"

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Charcoal, 30 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Input n as a number.


Print the "roof", ensuring that it is long enough to overhang n.


Print n as a string in the appropriate place.


Loop n times.


Print the next diagonal line of the "wall".


Print the next part of the "tail".


MATL, 43 bytes


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First time I have used X", Y", Z" in the same answer!


Jelly, 36 bytes

DLṭ1j+1,-,2×Ɱ$“ “/ “_”ẋ"ⱮṚṄ€ȧ⁾\/ẋ,⁸K

A full program which prints the result.

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DLṭ1j+1,-,2×Ɱ$“ “/ “_”ẋ"ⱮṚṄ€ȧ⁾\/ẋ,⁸K - Main Link: integer, n
D                                    - digits (n)
 L                                   - length
  ṭ1                                 - tack to one
    j                                - join with (n)
             $                       - last two links as a monad - f(n):
      1,-,2                          -   [1,-1,2]
            Ɱ                        -   map across [1..n] with:
           ×                         -     multiplication
     +                               - add (left to each of right, vectorised)
              “ “/ “_”               - [' ', '/ ', '_']
                        Ɱ            - map across (the list of list of numbers) with:
                       "             -   zipped:
                      ẋ              -     repetition
                         Ṛ           - reverse
                          Ṅ€         - print each with trailing newlines
                            ȧ        - logical AND (with n) -> n
                             ⁾\/     - ['\', '/']
                                ẋ    - repeat (n times)
                                 ,⁸  - pair with n
                                   K - join with a space
                                     - implicit print

MathGolf, 32 bytes

{kî-⌠ *_£(∞k£+'_*û/ ï*\n}û\/k* k

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{             # Loop the (implicit) input amount of times:
 k            #  Push the input-integer
  î-          #  Subtract the 1-based loop-index
    ⌠         #  + 2
      *       #  And repeat that many spaces
 _            #  Duplicate this string
  £           #  Pop and push its length
   (          #  + 1
    ∞         #  * 2
     k        #  Push the input-integer again
      £       #  Pop and push its length
       +      #  Add those two integers together
        '_*  '#  And repeat that many "_"
 û/           #  Push the 2-char string "/ "
    ï*        #  And repeat it the 0-based loop-index amount of times
 \            #  Then swap the top two strings on the stack
 n            #  And push a newline character
}û\/k*        # After the loop: repeat 2-char string "\/" the input amount of times
              # Push a space
 k            # And push the input-integer
              # (after which the stack is joined together and output implicitly)

Wolfram Mathematica 120 bytes

b[a[" ",#+1],a["/ ",%-#],a["_",2#+IntegerLength[%]]]&/@Range[%,1,-1];b[a["\/",%]," ",%];

enter image description here


                      //creates a string with str repeated n times

                      //alias for StringRepeat

                      //prints expr1, expr2,... on a newline without separation

                      //alias for Print

                      //gets user input, 

                      //Hide implicit output

                      //last output

                      //no of digits in n in base 10

a[" ",#+1]            
                     //Make a lamba StringRepeat with arg #, that prints " ",#+1 times

b[a[" ",#+1],a["/ ",%-#],a["_",2#+IntegerLength[%]]]& 

                     //Make a lambda with arg # that
                     //prints the appropriate "     /_________" 
                     //depending on #

                     //map the lambda b[....] over {%,%-1,%-2,...,1}

b[a["\/",%]," ",%]; 
                     //print the last row "\/\/\/...\/ "

Link to notebook


C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 217 154 bytes

n=>Join("",Range(0,n).Select(i=>new S(' ',n-i+1)+new S('/',i*2)+new S('_',(n-i)*2-~(n+"").Length)+'\n').Concat(Repeat("\\/",n))).Replace("//", "/ ")+" "+n

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Edit: Removed 19 bytes thanks to @KevinCruijssen, and used the header better(?)

  • \$\begingroup\$ Hi, welcome to CGCC! Unless you use it as a recursive function, you don't need to count the Func<int,string>f= and trailing ; in your byte-count. You can move those to your head & footer of your TIO-link. :) Also, (n+i-n)*2 is basically i*2. And n/10 is incorrect I'm afraid for \$n\geq100\$. This should be (n+"").Length() instead. In that case, you can also golf the (n-i)*2+1+(n+"").Length() to (n-i)*2-~(n+"").Length() (relevant tip). In total, it'll become 198 bytes. Enjoy your stay! :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 11, 2020 at 9:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ @KevinCruijssen Thanks for the comment! And the tips. I saw others but their printing code in the footer, but I didn't know how much, or what, was okay to put in the header/footer. I added your suggestions, and some usings to my answer, do you think it's still acceptable? \$\endgroup\$
    – Netråm
    Commented May 11, 2020 at 15:30

Haskell, 129 bytes

0#b=b%"\\/"++' ':show b
x#b=(x+1)%" "++(b-x)%"/ "++(show b>>"_")++x%"__"++'\n':(x-1)#b
f x=x#x

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Ties the existing 129 byte answer but is compliant with the challenge by performing full IO.


Retina 0.8.2, 77 bytes

=$.%'$*=¶  $.%'$* $`

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Insert some working elements: enough _s to cover the input, a / for each input, then on the next line, a V for each input (representing \/) and a space.

=$.%'$*=¶  $.%'$* $`

Now expand the /s into a bottom right triangle, and also add extra _s to overhang on both sides on each line.


Expand the =s which were placeholders for two _s.


Move the input cover next to the rest of the overhang.


Space the /s apart.


Expand the Vs on the last line.


Delete some left-overs.


Haskell, 129 bytes

f n|s<-show n=unlines$map(\o->r(n-o+1)' '++c o"/ "++r(2*(n-o)+length s)'_')[0..n-1]++[c n"\\/"++" "++s]

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  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ This challenge has a restricted IO scheme, which does not permit functions. In order for this to be a valid answer you are expected to write a main declaration. \$\endgroup\$
    – Wheat Wizard
    Commented May 11, 2020 at 23:27

Java 11, 137 124 bytes

n->{String l="\\/".repeat(n)+" "+n,r=l;for(;n-->0;r=l+"\n"+r)l=" "+l.replace('\\',' ').replaceAll(".(?!.*/)","_");return r;}

-13 bytes by porting @Arnauld's JavaScript answer, so make sure to upvote him!

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n->{                       // Method with integer parameter and String return-type
  String l=                //  Temp-String `l` for the current line, starting at:
           "\\/".repeat(n) //   The input amount of "\/"
           +" "+n,         //   appended with a space and the input
         r=l;              //  Result-String, starting at this (last) line
  for(;n-->0               //  Loop `n` amount of times:
      ;                    //    After every iteration:
       r=l+"\n"+r)         //     Prepend the new `l` with newline to the result-String
    l=                     //   Change `l` to the new line:
      " "                  //    A space
      +l                   //    appended with the current line, with the replacements:
        .replace('\\',' ') //     All '\' replaced with spaces
                           //     And all characters NOT followed by a '/' with a "_"
  return r;}               //  And return the result-String after the loop

Julia, 107 bytes

println.([[" "^(s+1)*"/ "^(n-s)*"_"^(2s+length("$n")) for s=n:-1:1];"\\/"^n*" $n"])

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n = parse(Int, readline())
println.([ # broadcasting with `.` applies `println` to each element of vector
        " "^(s + 1)*"/ "^(n - s)*"_"^(2s + length("$n"))
        for s ∈ n:-1:1 # array comprehension
    ];   # semicolon enables blockmatrix-style array syntax...
         # ...which unpacks elements in array above into elements of vector
    "\\/"^n*" $n" # last element of vector

Python 3, 100, 99 bytes

for i in range(n):print(" "*(n+~i)," /"*i,"_"*(2*n-2*i+len(str(n))))

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thnx to @KevinCruijssen for -1


Perl 5 -ap, 86 bytes

$\=$/.'\\/'x$_." $_";$_=$"x($_+1).'_'x(2*$_+y///c);for$a(1.."@F"-1){say;s, /| __,/ ,g}

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  • \$\begingroup\$ Nice answer, pretty short too considering the length of a lot of the other answers, you can save a little bit more with some re-ordering and a couple of other tweaks though!: Try it online! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 26, 2020 at 11:32

CJam, 46 bytes

li:A:B;{A)S*"/ "BA-*'_2A*Bs,+*NA(:A}g"\\/"B*SB

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Port of my Python answer


li            take input as integer
:A:B;         assign that to the variables A and B
{             start of while A loop
A)S*          push A-1 spaces
"/ "BA-*      push B-A strings of "/ "
'_2A*Bs,+*    push 2A + the number of digits _
N             push a newline
A(:A          decrement A
}g            end of while loop
"\\/"B*       push B \/
SB            push B after a space

Haskell, 122 bytes

f x|n<-read x=unlines[(n+1-i)%" "++i%"/ "++(n-i)%"__"++(x>>"_")|i<-[0..n-1]]++n%"\\/"++' ':x
main=interact f

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I've deliberately constrained myself to standard I/O. See my comments on the question.


Vyxal So, 30 bytes

ɾṘ›?ʀṪ‛/ *꘍?ɾd?L+\_*Ṙ+⁋,‛\/*$"

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This code's sorta backwards to reduce stack operations.

           ?ɾd                 # (1...input) * 2
              ?L+              # + log_10(input)
                 \_*           # That many underscores for each
                    Ṙ+         # Reverse that, and append to...
ɾṘ›                            # (2...input+1) reversed
          ꘍                    # For each, that many spaces appended to each of... 
   ?ʀṪ                         # 0...input-2
      ‛/ *                     # For each, that many copies of "/ "

                      ⁋,       # Print that, joined on newlines
                        ‛\/*   # Input * "\/"
                            $" # Paired with input
                               # (So flags) print that joined by a space

Perl 5, 96 bytes

sub f{$n=pop;join"\n",(map' 'x($x=1+$n-$_).'/ 'x$_.'_'x($x*2-2+length$n),0..$n-1),'\/'x$n." $n"}

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PHP, 121 bytes

for($x=($i=$j=$argn)/10+1,$f=str_repeat;$i;$c.="/ ")printf("%{$i}s $c%s\n"," ",$f("_",2*$i--+$x));echo$f("\\/",$j)." $j";

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This is not that great maybe, but I came with this.


Pyth, 54 44 bytes

VQ+d++*-QNd*"/ "N*+*2-QNl+""Q"_";++*"\/"hNdQ

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edit 1: Thanks @mathjunkie for saving 10 bytes!

  • \$\begingroup\$ A few tips: FNrZ can be replaced by V. Each of the space literals (" ") can be replaced by d. Anywhere that you use +1 you can use h instead \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 19, 2020 at 14:42

Pip, 38 bytes

Fi,aP[sYsXa-i"/ "Xi'_Ma.y.y]"\/"Xa.s.a

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This is one of those very rare occasions in Pip when a for loop seems to be the shortest solution.

Fi,aP[sYsXa-i"/ "Xi'_Ma.y.y]"\/"Xa.s.a
                                        s is space; a is 1st command-line arg (implicit)
Fi,a                                    For i in range(a):
    P                                    Print, with a newline
     [                     ]             the contents of this list, implicitly concatenated:
      s                                   A space
        sXa-i                             Space, repeated (a-i) times
       Y                                   also, yank that string into the y variable
             "/ "Xi                       "/ ", repeated (i) times
                      a.y.y               Concatenate a with y twice
                   '_M                     and replace each character with an underscore,
                                           giving a string of len(a) + 2 * (a-i) underscores
                            "\/"Xa      "\/", repeated (a) times
                                  .s    concatenated to space
                                    .a  concatenated to a
                                        Autoprint (implicit)

MAWP, 138 bytes


Works as expected for single digit numbers, but beyond that, the last root will be longer than the others.

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Scala, 91 bytes

n=>print(n.to(1,-1).map{i=>" "*(i+1)+"/ "*(n-i)+"_"*(2*i+1)}:+("\\/"*n+" "+n)mkString "\n")

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Husk, 46 bytes

`:§+*"¦/"o:' s¹z+mR' ṫ¹m§+*" /"(:' R'_+L¹D≠¹)ŀ

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