Based on a chat message
The Challenge
Given an input number \$n > 9\$, construct its reverse, ignoring leading zeros. Then, construct a list of all prime factors that the number and its reverse don't have in common. Multiply those factors together to create the Uncommon Factor Number of the input.
Or, to put it another way: if \$\text{rev}(n)\$ denotes the decimal reversal of integer \$n\$, calculate the product of \$n\$ and \$\text{rev}(n)\$ divided by the square of the \$\gcd(n, \text{rev}(n))\$.
Output that number.
Worked examples
For example, \$2244\$ reverses to \$4422\$. The prime factors of the first are \$[2, 2, 3, 11, 17]\$ and the prime factors of the reverse are \$[2, 3, 11, 67]\$. The numbers not in common multiplicities are \$[2, 17, 67]\$, so \$2278\$ is the output.
For another example, \$1234\$ reverses to \$4321\$. The product is \$5332114\$ and the GCD is \$1\$, so the output is \$5332114\$.
Further clarifications
Obviously a palindromic number will have all its factors in common with its reverse, so in such a case the output is \$1\$ \$\left(\frac{n\times n}{n^2}\right)\$. Obviously, it's also possible for the output to be the multiplication all factors (i.e., the gcd is \$1\$ -- the input and its reverse are co-prime), as in the case of the \$1234\$ example.
- The input and output can be assumed to fit in your language's native integer type.
- The input and output can be given in any convenient format.
- Either a full program or a function are acceptable. If a function, you can return the output rather than printing it.
- If possible, please include a link to an online testing environment so other people can try out your code!
- Standard loopholes are forbidden.
- This is code-golf so all usual golfing rules apply, and the shortest code (in bytes) wins.
(I believe) \$\endgroup\$