#Java 7, 47 bytes
Java 7, 47 bytes
int c(double n){return n>1?1+c(Math.log(n)):0;}
The recursive Java 7 style method above is 2 bytes shorter than an iterative Java 8 style lambda:
n->{int c=0;for(;n>1;c++)n=Math.log(n);return c;}
int c(double n){ // Method with double parameter and integer return-type
return n>1? // If the input is larger than 1:
1+ // Return 1 +
c(Math.log(n)) // A recursive call with log(input)
: // Else:
0; // Return 0 instead
n->{ // Method with double parameter and integer return-type
int c=0; // Create a counter, starting at 0
for(;n>1; // Loop as long as the input is still larger than 1:
c++) // Increase the counter by 1
n=Math.log(n); // And update the input to log(input)
return c;} // After the loop: return the counter as result