#Ruby, 405 403 401401 400 bytes
Anyways, run it online here with test casesAnyways, run it online here with test cases
->s{s.gsub!(/{(-?\w+)..(-?\w+)(..(\d+))?}/){x,y=$1,$2;a,b,c=[x,y,$4].map &:to_i
k=a<b ?[*a..b]:[*b..a].reverse
r=->x{i=x.scan(/({(\g<1>)*}|[^{} ]+)/).map(&t)
i.shift.product(*i).map &:join}
s.split.map(&r)*' '}
->s{s.gsub!(/{(-?\w+)..(-?\w+)(..(\d+))?}/){x,y=$1,$2;a,b,c=[x,y,$4].map &:to_i
k=a<b ?[*a..b]:[*b..a].reverse
r=->x{i=x.scan(/({(\g<1>)*}|[^{} ]+)/).map(&t)
i.shift.product(*i).map &:join}
s.split.map(&r)*' '}
s.gsub!(/{(-?\w+)..(-?\w+)(..(\d+))?}/){ # Replace all range-type brackets {a..b..c}
x,y=$1,$2;a,b,c=[x,y,$4].map &:to_i # Set up int variables
$1[/\d/]?0:(a,b=x,y) # Use int variables for a,b if they're numbers
k=a<b ?[*a..b]:[*b..a].reverse # Create an array for the range in the correct direction
'{'+ # Return the next bit surrounded by brackets
0.step(k.size-1,$4?c:1).map{|i|k[i] # If c exists, use it as the step size for the array
}*',' # Join with commas
r=1 # Dummy value to forward-declare the parse function `r`
t=->x{ # Function to parse a bracket block
x=x[0].gsub(/^{(.*)}$/){$1} # Remove outer brackets if both are present
# x[0] is required because of quirks in the `scan` function
# Regex black magic: collect elements of outer bracket
x.map{|i|i=i[0];i[?{]?r[i]:i}.flatten # For each element with brackets, run parse function
r=->x{ # Function to parse bracket expansions a{b,c}{d,e}
i=x.scan(/({(\g<1>)*}|[^{} ]+)/) # Regex black magic: scan for adjacent sets of brackets
i=i.map(&t) # Map all elements against the bracket parser function `t`
i.shift.product(*i).map &:join # Combine the adjacent sets with cartesian product and join them together
s.split.map(&r)*' ' # Split on whitespace, parse each bracket collection
# and re-join with spaces