Rust, 195195 181 bytes
|s:&str|s.chars().map(|c|c.to_digit(10).unwrap()).rev().enumerate().map(|(i,n)|if i%2>0{2*n}else{n}|n<<i%2).map(|n|format!("{n}").chars().map(|c|c.to_digit(10).unwrap()).sum::<u32>()).sum::<u32>()%10<1;
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I'm pretty unfamiliar with Rust golf, so feel free to suggest savings.
- -14 by @ceilingcat
|s:&str| // input is a &str
s // original string
.chars() // get the characters
.map(|c|c.to_digit(10).unwrap()) // convert each character into a digit
.rev() // reversed
.enumerate() // into pairs of (index, digit)
.map(|(i,n)|if i%2>0{2*n}else{n}|n<<i%2) // into n or 2*n if the index is odd
.map( // getting the digit sum...
|n|format!("{n}") // to string
.chars() // get the chars chars
.map(|c|c.to_digit(10).unwrap()) // convert to digits
.sum::<u32>()) // sum them up
.sum::<u32>() // sum all the numbers up
%10<1; // check if divisible by 10