Maxima, 4493 bytes
A port of @MarcMush's Julia 1.0 answer in Maxima.
93 bytes, it can be golfed much more.
Golfed version. Try it online!Try it online!
b(n):=if=block([o],o:fpprec,fpprec:n,r:if n<2 then bfloat(n )else bfloat(cos(b(n-1))),fpprec:o,r)
The above Maxima code is equivalent to the following Mathematica code:Ungolfed version. Try it online!
b[n_Integer] := Nest[Cos, 1, n - 1];
NumberForm[N[b[1000], 200], {51, 50}] //Print
/* Define the recursive function with dynamic precision */
b(n) := block(
/* Save the old precision */
old_prec: fpprec,
/* Set the precision relative to n */
fpprec: n,
/* Perform the calculation with the new precision */
result: if n < 2 then bfloat(n) else bfloat(cos(b(n-1))),
/* Restore the old precision */
fpprec: old_prec,
/* Return the result */
/* Print the results from 1 to 1000 */
for i:1 thru 1000 do (