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#Java 11, \$n=17\$ in about 8.5 minutes

Java 11, \$n=17\$ in about 8.5 minutes



#Java 11, \$n=17\$ in about 8.5 minutes


Java 11, \$n=17\$ in about 8.5 minutes


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This answer is the result of learning enough Haskell to be able to understand Christian's answer, translating it into Java, applying numerous micro-optimizations, and throwing multiple cores at it. The exact runtime varies significantly depending on the number of cores available; this timing result is from my own two-core machine. A 48-core EC2 c5.24xlarge is able to compute it\$n=17\$ in 1516 seconds, and \$n=20\$ in about 18 minutes.


java Main 17

(when run without an argument)

This answer is the result of learning enough Haskell to be able to understand Christian's answer, translating it into Java, applying numerous micro-optimizations, and throwing multiple cores at it. The exact runtime varies significantly depending on the number of cores available; this timing result is from my own two-core machine. A 48-core EC2 c5.24xlarge is able to compute it in 15 seconds, and \$n=20\$ in about 18 minutes.

This answer is the result of learning enough Haskell to be able to understand Christian's answer, translating it into Java, applying numerous micro-optimizations, and throwing multiple cores at it. The exact runtime varies significantly depending on the number of cores available; this timing result is from my own two-core machine. A 48-core EC2 c5.24xlarge is able to compute \$n=17\$ in 16 seconds, and \$n=20\$ in 18 minutes.


java Main 17

(when run without an argument)

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#Java 11, \$n=17\$ in about 8.5 minutes

Based on Haskell solution by Christian Sievers – upvote his!

This answer is the result of learning enough Haskell to be able to understand Christian's answer, translating it into Java, applying numerous micro-optimizations, and throwing multiple cores at it. The exact runtime varies significantly depending on the number of cores available; this timing result is from my own two-core machine. A 48-core EC2 c5.24xlarge is able to compute it in 15 seconds, and \$n=20\$ in about 18 minutes.

Parallelism can be disabled by adding the JVM argument -Djava.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism=0. Single-threaded performance is slightly better than double that of the Haskell solution.

Some of the optimizations include:

  • Representing a point using a single int value
  • Using simplified hand-rolled collections based on int arrays, avoiding the primitive boxing required for the standard Java collections
  • Reimplementing polyomino enumeration based on this paper -- my initial attempt at a direct translation of the Haskell code performed extra throwaway work that didn't actually contribute to the computation
  • Replacing higher-level Stream-based implementations with inlined code, making it very ugly and verbose

The bulk of the processing time is spent in Array.sort calls in normalizeInPlace. Finding a way to compare polyomino transformations without sorting could easily result in a further 4x speedup. The forking is also not done very intelligently which leads to unbalanced tasks and unused cores at higher levels of parallelism.

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveTask;
import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
import java.util.function.ToLongFunction;

 * Utility methods for working with an int that represents a pair of short values.
class Point {
    static final int start = p(0, 0);
    static final int[] neighbors = new int[] {-0x10000, -0x1, 0x1, 0x10000};

    static int x(int p) {
        return (p >> 16) - 0x4000;

    static int y(int p) {
        return (short)(p) - 0x4000;

    static int p(int x, int y) {
        return ((x + 0x4000) << 16) | (y + 0x4000);

    static int rot(int p) {
        return p(-y(p), x(p));

    static int mirror(int p) {
        return p(-x(p), y(p));

 * Minimal primitive array-based collections.
class IntArrays {
    /** Concatenates the end of the first array with the beginning of the second. */
    static int[] arrayConcat(int[] a, int aOffset, int[] b, int bLen) {
        int aLength = a.length - aOffset;
        int[] result = new int[aLength + bLen];
        System.arraycopy(a, aOffset, result, 0, aLength);
        System.arraycopy(b, 0, result, aLength, bLen);
        return result;

    /** Adds a new value to a sorted set, returning the new result */
    static int[] setAdd(int[] set, int val) {
        int[] dst = new int[set.length + 1];
        int i = 0;
        for (; i < set.length && set[i] < val; i++) {
            dst[i] = set[i];
        dst[i] = val;
        for (; i < set.length; i++) {
            dst[i + 1] = set[i];
        return dst;

    private static final int[] primes = new int[] {
            5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61,
            67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131

     * Allocate an array large enough to hold a fixed-capacity hash table
     * that can contain "seen" points for generating polyominos of size n.
    static int[] makeHashTable(int n) {
        return new int[primes[-(Arrays.binarySearch(primes, n * 3) + 1)]];

    /** Inserts a new value to a hash table, in-place */
    static void hashInsert(int[] table, int val) {
        int pos = (val * 137) % table.length, startPos = pos;
        if (table[pos] != 0) {
            while ((table[pos = (pos + 1) % table.length]) != 0) {
                if (pos == startPos) {
                    throw new AssertionError("table full");
        table[pos] = val;

    /** Checks whether a hash table contains the specified value */
    static boolean hashContains(int[] table, int val) {
        int pos = (val * 137) % table.length, startPos = pos;
        while (true) {
            int curr = table[pos];
            if (curr == val) return true;
            if (curr == 0) return false;
            pos = (pos + 1) % table.length;
            if (pos == startPos) {
                throw new AssertionError("table full");

 * Recursively generates int arrays representing collections of Points,
 * applying a function to each array to compute a long, and returns the sum
 * of all such values.
class PolyominoVisitor extends RecursiveTask<Long> {
    PolyominoVisitor(ToLongFunction<? super int[]> func, int n) {
        this(func, n, 0, 1, new int[0], IntArrays.makeHashTable(n), new int[]{Point.start});

    private PolyominoVisitor(ToLongFunction<? super int[]> action, int n,
                             int i, int limit, int[] used, int[] seen, int[] untried) {
        this.func = action;
        this.n = n;
        this.start = () -> visit(i, limit, used, seen, untried);

    private final boolean visitSmaller = true;
    private final ToLongFunction<? super int[]> func;
    private final int n;
    private final LongSupplier start;

    protected Long compute() {
        return start.getAsLong();

    private long visit(int i, int limit, int[] used, int[] seen, int[] untried) {
        long val = 0;
        if (used.length + 1 == n) {
            // reached the second to last level, so we can apply the function
            // directly to our children
            for (; i < limit; i++) {
                val += func.applyAsLong(IntArrays.setAdd(used, untried[i]));
        } else if (used.length + 6 < n && limit - i >= 2) {
            // eligible to split
            PolyominoVisitor[] tasks = new PolyominoVisitor[limit - i];
            for (int j = 0; j < tasks.length; j++) {
                tasks[j] = new PolyominoVisitor(func, n,
                        i + j, i + j + 1, used, seen, untried);

            for (PolyominoVisitor task : tasks) val += task.getRawResult();
            return val;
        } else {
            // recursively visit children
            int[] newReachable = new int[4];
            IntPredicate inSeen = p -> !IntArrays.hashContains(seen, p);
            for (; i < limit; i++) {
                int candidate = untried[i];
                int[] child = IntArrays.setAdd(used, candidate);
                int reachableCount = neighbors(candidate, inSeen, newReachable);
                int[] newSeen = seen.clone();
                for (int j = 0; j < reachableCount; j++) IntArrays.hashInsert(newSeen, newReachable[j]);
                int[] newUntried = IntArrays.arrayConcat(untried, i + 1, newReachable, reachableCount);
                val += visit(0, newUntried.length, child, newSeen, newUntried);
        if (visitSmaller && used.length > 0 && limit == untried.length) {
            val += func.applyAsLong(used);
        return val;

     * Write the greater-than-origin neighbors of the given point
     * that pass the provided predicate into the provided array,
     * returning the count written.
    private static int neighbors(int p, IntPredicate pred, int[] dst) {
        int count = 0;
        for (int offset : Point.neighbors) {
            int n = p + offset;
            if (n > Point.start && pred.test(n)) {
                dst[count++] = n;
        return count;

 * Function that computes how many buildings are constructable on a given
 * polyomino base. Considers symmetry, returning 0 if the figure is not the
 * canonical version (i.e. has a smaller transformation).
 * Adapted largely unchanged from Christian Sievers
class BuildingCounter implements ToLongFunction<int[]> {
    private final int n;

    public BuildingCounter(int n) {
        this.n = n;

    public long applyAsLong(int[] fig) {
        return combinations(n - fig.length, fig);

    private static int[] map(int[] fig, IntUnaryOperator func) {
        int[] result = new int[fig.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < fig.length; i++) {
            result[i] = func.applyAsInt(fig[i]);
        return result;

    private static int[] normalizeInPlace(int[] fig) {
        int d = fig[0] - Point.start;
        for (int i = 0; i < fig.length; i++) {
            fig[i] -= d;
        return fig;

    private static int[] rot(int[] ps) {
        return normalizeInPlace(map(ps, Point::rot));

    private static int[] mirror(int[] ps) {
        return normalizeInPlace(map(ps, Point::mirror));

    private static int myf(int r, int sz, int[] fig) {
        int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int p : fig) {
            if (p > max) max = p;
        int w = Point.x(max);
        if (w % 2 == 0) {
            int wh = w / 2;
            int myb = 0;
            for (int p : fig) {
                if (Point.x(p) == wh) myb++;
            return c12(myb, (sz - myb)/2, r);
        } else {
            return c1h(sz, r);

    private static int mdf(int r, int sz, int[] fig) {
        int lo = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int p : fig) {
            int tmp = Point.y(p);
            if (tmp < lo) lo = tmp;
        int mdb = 0;
        for (int p : fig) {
            if (Point.x(p) == Point.y(p) - lo) mdb++;
        return c12(mdb, (sz-mdb)/2, r);

    private static long combinations(int r, int[] fig) {
        int[][] alts = new int[7][];
        alts[0] = rot(fig);
        alts[1] = rot(alts[0]);
        alts[2] = rot(alts[1]);
        alts[3] = mirror(fig);
        alts[4] = mirror(alts[0]);
        alts[5] = mirror(alts[1]);
        alts[6] = mirror(alts[2]);
        int[] rfig = alts[0];
        int[] cmps = new int[7];
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
            if ((cmps[i] =, alts[i])) > 0) {
                return 0;
        if (r == 0) {
            return 1;
        int sz = fig.length;
        int qtfc = (sz % 2 == 0) ? c1q(sz, r) : sc1x(4, sz, r);
        int htfc = (sz % 2 == 0) ? c1h(sz, r) : sc1x(2, sz, r);
        int idfc = c1(sz, r);
        int[] fsc = new int[] {qtfc, htfc, qtfc,
                myf(r, sz, fig), mdf(r, sz, fig),
                myf(r, sz, rfig), mdf(r, sz, rfig)};
        int gs = 1;
        int allfc = idfc;
        for (int i = 0; i < fsc.length; i++) {
            if (cmps[i] == 0) {
                allfc += fsc[i];
        return allfc / gs;

    private static int c1(int n, int t) {
        int v = 1;
        for (int x = 1; x <= t; x++) {
            v = v * (n+x-1) / x;
        return v;

    private static int c1h(int n, int t) {
        return c1d(n, t, 2);

    private static int c1q(int n, int t) {
        return c1d(n, t, 4);

    private static int c1d(int n, int t, int q) {
        if (t % q == 0) {
            return c1(n / q, t / q);
        } else {
            return 0;

    private static int sc1x(int m, int n, int t) {
        return c1(1 + n / m, t / m);

    private static int c12(int s, int d, int t) {
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = t/2; i >= 0; i--) {
            sum += c1(s, t-2*i) * c1(d, i);
        return sum;

public class Main {
    public static long count(int n) {
        return new PolyominoVisitor(new BuildingCounter(n), n).compute();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length > 0) {
            System.out.println(args[0] + ": " + count(Integer.parseInt(args[0])));
        } else {
            for (int i = 1; i <= 99; i++) {
                System.out.println(i + ": " + count(i));

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16: 438030079
17: 2092403558
18: 10027947217
19: 48198234188
20: 232261124908
21: 1121853426115