#JavaScript (ES7), 77 72 bytes
JavaScript (ES7), 77 72 bytes
Takes input as a list of digits.
f = ( // f is a recursive function taking:
a, // a[] = input
k // k = counter, initially undefined
) => //
( [...[k * k] + k ** 3] // concatenate k² and k³ and split the resulting string
.sort() // sort from lowest to highest digit
+ '' // coerce back to a string (this puts commas between the
// digits, but they are harmless)
).match( // test whether it matches:
a.sort() // the input list sorted the same way
.join`.*` // joined with .* patterns, so that unused digits and
// commas are ignored
) ? // if it does:
k // stop recursion and return k
: // else:
f(a, -~k) // try again with k + 1