Pyth, 10 bytes
There are exactly 31,557,600 seconds in the Julian astronomical year., totalling 31,557,600,000 seconds in 1000 years. 2^32 is about a tenth of this, so we just wait for 3,155,760,000 seconds ten times.
Note that is a blank codepoint in the TIO, not sure why it translates to this on SE
Here you can see that C"¼
is equal to 3,155,760,000
And here is an example that waits for only 22 seconds using a similar method
Pyth, 8 bytes
Alternatively, this one just uses C"XúÃ
for 31,557,600,000. I thought it was more in line with the spirit of the challenge to have a 2^32 limit, though
The average length of a sidereal year, however, is 365.256363004 days or around 31,558,149.763 seconds, giving us a total of ~31,558,149,764 seconds in 1000 years. In this case, the more accurate solution would be
This: VT.dC"¼ê@
(1 byte longer than Julian solution)