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# Step 1: convert to hex.
# For each pair of letters in the input:
# Compare first letter to B
# If not B, pop previous output, multiply by 4, and put on third stack.
# 4 is added automatically from pushing/popping the difference
# between the letters B and D.
# Push second letter in pair to other stack
# Push 4 and 9
# Compute 3-((8-(n mod 9)) mod 4)
# (same as (n-1) mod 9 mod 4)
# Add result to third stack (either 0 or 4*previous+4)
# Push onto second stack
# Step 2: Pair up hex digits.
# While digits remain on right stack:
# Push top of stack + 16*second on stack to left stack
# Switch to left stack for output.