#PHP, 36 34 bytes
PHP, 36 34 bytes
not the shortest PHP answer, but unique enough for a post.
violate rule #1.
There are of course less "violent" operand combinations; but if you must sin, make it worth it!
other versions:
for(;$c="Fkbba.Ya|bj"[$i++];)echo$c^_^Q; # 40 bytes, violates rules #1 and #2
for(;$c="Fkbba.Ya|bj"[$i++];)print$c^_^Q; # 41 bytes, violates rule #2
<?="Fkbba.Ya|bj"^___________^QQQQQQQQQQQ; # 41 bytes, no violation
<?=____YzffR__^TQQQF3nnQQQ^Ckbbpi_gqbj; # 39 bytes, no violation
H<?="kbba.Ya|"^________^QQQQQQQQ,ld; # 36 bytes, violates rule #1