NOTICE - This challenge is now closed. Any new answers will be ignored and the accepted answer will not change
Write a valid program which, when just two characters in the program are changed, removed or added, completely changes the output.
The changed output must have a Levenshtein Distance of 15 or more from your original output.
The output must be non empty and finite. Your program therefore must terminate within 1 minute.
Your output must be deterministic, outputting the same thing each time you run the program. It also must not be platform dependent.
Any hash functions are disallowed, as are built in PRNGs. Similarly, seeding an RNG is not allowed.
After a period of three days, an uncracked submission will become safe. In order to claim this safety, you should edit your answer to show the correct answer. (Clarification: Until you reveal the answer, you are not safe and can still be cracked.)
Your answer should be in the following format:
# <Language name>, <Program length>
## Code
<code goes here>
## Original Output
<output goes here>
## Changed output
<changed output goes here>
The robbers' challenge is to find out which two characters you have changed. If a robber has cracked your solution, they will leave a comment on your answer.
You can find the robbers' thread here.
The person with the shortest uncracked solution wins.
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