
Given a string that contains only lowercase letters, encode that string with the alphabet cipher.

To encode with the alphabet cipher (I will be using the example hello):

  1. First, convert each letter in the string to a number depending on its position in the alphabet (a = 1, b = 2, etc.) Example: 8 5 12 12 15
  2. Pad each number to two characters with 0s. Example: 08 05 12 12 15
  3. Join. Example: 0805121215

Test cases

helloworld -> 08051212152315181204
codegolf -> 0315040507151206
alphabetcipher -> 0112160801020520030916080518
johncena -> 1015081403051401

Remember, this is , so the code with the fewest number of bytes wins.


64 Answers 64

1 2

brev, 57 bytes

(over(display(pop(number->string(+(char->integer x)4)))))

Everyone came up with the +4 🤷🏻‍♀️


GolfSharp, 37 bytes


CJam, 9 bytes


Try it online!

A function taking a string as input. Port of many other answers.


{      }% # for each value in the input
 i        # convert it into a number
  4+      # add 4 to it
    s     # convert it to a string
     1>   # drop the first character

A version which isn't a port, for fun:

CJam, 11 bytes


Try it online!


{        }% # map the following across the input
 '`-        # subtract the codepoint of '`', 96, from each value
    s       # convert to a string
       e[   # and pad the left with
      T     # 0s to length
     Y      # 2

Thunno 2 JB, 5 bytes


Attempt This Online!

Port of Adnan's 05AB1E answer.


4+ıṘḣ  # Implicit input
       # Convert to codepoints
4+     # Add four
  ı    # Map:
   Ṙ   #  Convert to string
    ḣ  #  Remove the first item
       # Join the list
       # Implicit output
1 2

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