Output this exact text:
1 i
12 hi
123 ghi
1234 fghi
12345 efghi
123456 defghi
1234567 cdefghi
12345678 bcdefghi
12345678 bcdefghi
1234567 cdefghi
123456 defghi
12345 efghi
1234 fghi
123 ghi
12 hi
1 i
A single trailing newline is acceptable, but no other formatting changes are allowed.
Rules and I/O
- No input
- Output can be given by any convenient method.
- Either a full program or a function are acceptable. If a function, you can return the output rather than printing it.
- Standard loopholes are forbidden.
- This is code-golf so all usual golfing rules apply, and the shortest code (in bytes) wins.