
Show the random result of a dice toss if done with a cube shaped die, in ASCII.

$ dice

should result in one of

|   |
| o |
|   |

|o  |
|   |
|  o|

|o  |
| o |
|  o|

|o o|
|   |
|o o|

|o o|
| o |
|o o|

|o o|
|o o|
|o o|
  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ You have not defined the metric here. Is this meant to be a code golf? It is always worth discussing possible tasks in the puzzle lab chat or the sand box on meta so that you can address these kinds of questions before you go live. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 18, 2011 at 19:13
  • \$\begingroup\$ Sorry, I thought the metric always is the number of characters? Thanks for pointing me to the chat and then sand box on meta. If this question falls flat on it face then I will delete it. I hate to do it right now, just in case someone already started working on it. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 18, 2011 at 19:18
  • \$\begingroup\$ Ah...note the site name "Programming puzzles and code golf" (and yeah, I thought it scanned better the other way round, too). You will also find one-liners, king-of-the-hill tournaments, and code-challenges (everything else, but you are still supposed to establish an objective metric for winning), so it is necessary to say and to apply the appropriate tag. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 18, 2011 at 19:35
  • 16
    \$\begingroup\$ According to XKCD #221, alert('-----\n|o o|\n| |\n|o o|\n-----'); is a correct program. \$\endgroup\$
    – JiminP
    Commented Sep 3, 2011 at 0:08
  • 10
    \$\begingroup\$ If you remove the ascii-art tag, I can offer my 39char-solution print("⚀⚁⚂⚃⚄⚅"(util.Random.nextInt(6))) (utf-art). \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 14, 2012 at 22:40

33 Answers 33


Python, 112 110 chars

from random import*
C='o '
s='-----\n|'+C[r<1]+' '+C[r<3]+'|\n|'+C[r<5]
print s+C[r&1]+s[::-1]
  • 6
    \$\begingroup\$ Those compares in the array indexer are totally impressive! \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 18, 2011 at 20:33
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Ditto! I like how you used the symmetry of the die as well :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 18, 2011 at 20:50
  • \$\begingroup\$ Could you use something like id(0)%7%6? It's not going to be a uniform distribution, but it's significantly shorter... \$\endgroup\$
    – Nabb
    Commented May 22, 2011 at 4:43
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Nabb: that isn't very random. In particular, it is often the same from run to run, so it wouldn't be very useful in generating random dice rolls. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 22, 2011 at 7:18

Ruby 1.9, 80 84 characters

z=" o";$><<(s=?-*5+"
|#{z[2/~a=rand(6)]} #{z[a/3]}|
  • \$\begingroup\$ I liked the +s.reverse \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 19, 2011 at 10:55

Windows PowerShell, 89 93 96 97 101 119 characters

|{0} {1}|
|{2}{3}'-f'o '[$(!($x=random 6);$x-lt3;$x-ne5;$x%2)])[0..14+13..0]

Golfscript, 56 characters

"-"5*n"|":|"o "1/:&6rand:§1<=" "&§3<=|n|&§5<=]&§2%=1$-1%

The solution can be tested here.


Python, 109 unicode characters

print u"鱸헓ȅ᪮ԅ᪅餠☏汁끝鐸즪聗K糉툜㣹뫡燳闣≆뤀⩚".encode("u16")[2:].decode("zlib").split("\n\n")[id(list())%7-1]

Note: This does not used random function, so it will be not so random like others does.


Perl, 74 chars

Run with perl -M5.010.

$-=rand 6;$_="-----
|0 2|

(Note that the newlines in the listing are part of the string, and not just inserted for legibility.)

If you find yourself wondering what the heck the $->$ operation does, the following reading notes may be helpful:

  • The variable $- automatically truncates its assigned value to an integer.

  • The variable $" is preset to a single space.

  • o is a bareword (representing "o").


First time golfer

Python, 161 chars

from random import*
o,x='o '
print a+'\n|'+c+x+b+'|\n|'+d+(x,o)[n%2]+d+'|\n|'+b+x+c+'|\n'+a

Common Lisp 170

(let*((r(random 6))(a "-----
|")(c "o")(d " ")(e "|
|")(f(concatenate 'string a(if(< r 1)d c)d(if(< r 3)d c)e(if(> r 4)c ))))(concatenate 'string f(if(evenp r)c d)(reverse f)))

Note that the newlines are significant. Unlike these silly "modern" languages, Common Lisp favors readability over succinctness, so we have the cumbersome "concatenate 'string..." construct and no succinct way to reference a character in a string.


JavaScript (169 168 141 137)

r=Math.random()*6|0;s='-----\n|'+(r>0?'o ':'  ')+(r>2?'o':' ')+'|\n|'+(r-5?' ':'o');alert(s+(r%2?' ':'o')+s.split('').reverse().join(''))

Doesn't look quite right in alert because it's not fixed-width font, but rest assured it is correct, or test by emitting a <pre> tag and doing writeln :-)

Proof: http://jsfiddle.net/d4YTn/3/ (only works in JS 1.7-compliant browsers, such as FF2+)

Credits: Hacked Math trick from @minitech and die print logic from @Keith.

Edit: Remove Math trick from @minitech because it actually made it longer :-)

Edit 2: Save 17 chars. Borrow trick from @Keith for taking advantage of dice symmetry. Use trick for simplifying converting random number to int.

Edit 3: Remove 1+ to shift random number from 1-6 to 0-5 and save 2 chars. As a result, I can also change r%2-1 to r%2 and save another 2 chars.

Edit 4: jsfiddle is working again. Updated :-)

  • \$\begingroup\$ E4X! And I can't believe Chrome won't support it! \$\endgroup\$
    – Ry-
    Commented May 19, 2011 at 18:15
  • \$\begingroup\$ Heh, I beat you finally :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Ry-
    Commented May 19, 2011 at 19:31
  • \$\begingroup\$ Two characters, now, using your |0 trick :-) \$\endgroup\$
    – Ry-
    Commented May 19, 2011 at 20:13
  • \$\begingroup\$ It works in Chrome for me. \$\endgroup\$
    – pimvdb
    Commented May 25, 2011 at 15:42

JavaScript, 215 213 212 145 135

r=Math.random()*6|0;alert('-----\n|'+[r>2?'o o':r?'o  ':'   ',r%2?r>3?'o o':'   ':' o ',r>2?'o o':r?'  o':'   '].join('|\n|')+'|\n-----');

Beat mellamokb, but I changed my original solution completely. If you want this to look good, use Google Chrome or something, change alert to console.log, and voilà.

Edit: borrowed mellamokb's |0 trick to save some characters.

  • \$\begingroup\$ @minitech: BTW, your M=Math trick that I tried to steal actually ends up being one character longer \$\endgroup\$
    – mellamokb
    Commented May 19, 2011 at 18:12
  • \$\begingroup\$ @mellamokb: I know, I thought originally that I would use it more... \$\endgroup\$
    – Ry-
    Commented May 19, 2011 at 18:16
  • \$\begingroup\$ @minitech: You can save two chars with [s.substr(0,3),s.substr(3,3),s.substr(6,3)].join('|\n|') \$\endgroup\$
    – mellamokb
    Commented May 19, 2011 at 18:19
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @mellamokb: Nope; s is an array. I'm going to restart and try again. \$\endgroup\$
    – Ry-
    Commented May 19, 2011 at 19:20
  • \$\begingroup\$ @minitech: Here we go again :-) Evolution of the best answer by competition. Now I'm down to 137, but you can borrow one of my tricks and save possibly 10 chars. \$\endgroup\$
    – mellamokb
    Commented May 19, 2011 at 20:01

PHP 119 126 128 131 188 201 213 234 239

<?$c=($r=rand()%6)%2?$r>4?'o ':'  ':' o';$b=$r>0?$r<3?'o  ':'o o':'   ';echo$a="-----\n|$b|\n|$c",substr(strrev($a),1);
  • \$\begingroup\$ The closing ?> can be omitted, saving you 2 characters. \$\endgroup\$
    – Ry-
    Commented May 19, 2011 at 18:14
  • \$\begingroup\$ You can inline the declaration for $r, saving another character. The space after echo can be omitted as well. You can inline the initialization of $a too, bringing you to 128. Putting line breaks directly into the string instead of escaping them with \n saves another two characters, then. \$\endgroup\$
    – Joey
    Commented May 20, 2011 at 9:25

Python 133

import random as R
a='   ';b='0 0'
A='-----\n|'+((a,'0  ')[i>1],b)[i>3]+'|\n|'
print A+((a,' 0 ')[i%2],b)[i>5]+A[::-1]

F# - 165 161 characters

(System.Random()).Next 6|>fun x->[for y in[x>0;x%2=0;x>2;x=5]->if y then"o"else" "]|>fun[a;b;c;d]->printf"-----\n|%s %s|\n|%s%s%s|\n|%s %s|\n-----"a c d b d c a

Python 108 114 119 121 122 129

wtf! looks like 1st solution ?! but iam not ... cheater


import random as R
X=' 0'
A='-----\n|%s %s|\n|'%(X[i>1],X[i>3])+X[i>5]
print A+X[i%2]+A[::-1]


import random as R
X=' 0';a=X[i>5]
A='-----\n|%s %s|\n|%s|'%(X[i>1],X[i>3],a+X[i%2]+a)
print A+A[-6::-1]

perl - 111 103 101

$n=int rand 6;
($t="-----\n|0 1|\n|232|\n|1 0|\n-----\n")=~s/(\d)/5639742>>6*$1>>$n&1?o:$"/eg;
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ +1 for using die instead of print/say \$\endgroup\$
    – mbx
    Commented Jun 6, 2011 at 16:26

APL (69)

5 5⍴(5⍴'-'),{⊃⍵↓' o|'}¨2,(⌽M),2,2,(N∊¨6(1 3 5)6),2,2,2,⍨M←3 6 1>⍨N←?6

Haskell, 154 162 167 172 chars

import System.Random
main=randomRIO(1::Int,6)>>=putStrLn. \x->let{h="-----\n|"++c(>1):' ':c(>3):"|\n|"++[c(>5)];c f|f x='o'|True=' '}in h++c odd:reverse h

It uses roughly the same idea as the Python one.

Readable version:

import System.Random

main = do
    x <- randomRIO (1 :: Int, 6)
    putStrLn (render x)

render x = str ++ check odd ++ reverse str
    str = concat
        [ "-----\n|"
        , check (> 1)
        , " "
        , check (> 3)
        , "|\n|"
        , check (> 5)
    check f = if f x then "o" else " "

Golfscript 80 65

6rand):^;'-'5*n+:_[^6&0^4&^6=].^1&+-1%+3/{'|'\{'o'' 'if+}/'|'n}/_

The program can be tested here


PHP 126 127 179

<?$x=($r=rand(1,6))>3?"o o":($r<2?"   ":"o  ");$z=$r>5?"o o":($r%2==0?"   ":" o ");$v="-----\n|$x|\n";echo"$v|$z|".strrev($v);

Another PHP solution. I came to the almost same solution by Oleg.


C - 215

#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
main(){char a[]=A,b[]=B,c=3,d=(srand(time(0)),rand()%6+1),e=d-2;if(d==1)a[5]=C;else{while(--e>-1)a[b[D[d-3]-48+e]-48]=C;a[0]=a[10]=C;}p(E);while(--c>-1)p("|%s|\n",a+c*4);p(E);}

Compiles with:

cl /DA="\"   \0   \0   \"" /DB="\"5282582468\"" /DC='o' /DD="\"0136\"" /DE="\"+---+\n\"" /Dp=printf dice.c
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Is that sorta cheating with all those flags on the command-line? I don't understand it the /DA /DB /DC.. thing. \$\endgroup\$
    – mellamokb
    Commented May 26, 2011 at 21:03
  • \$\begingroup\$ My compiler does not understand the /D switch... Please don't cheat by putting random defines into the compilation command. \$\endgroup\$
    – FUZxxl
    Commented Jul 26, 2012 at 11:48

Python (153)

This is by far not the smallest submission, i just thought it looked nice :)

import random as r
|%c %c|
|%c %c|
"   o   ",
"o     o",
"o  o  o",
"oo   oo",
"oo o oo",
"ooo ooo"]))

Q (120 chars)

dice:{(`t`e`l`c`r`w!5 cut"-----|   ||o  || o ||  o||o o|")(,/)(`t;(`e`c`e;`l`e`r;`l`c`r;`w`e`w;`w`c`w;`w`w`w)(*)1?6;`t)}



C, 168 164 163 chars

Sorry if I'm a bit late to the party, but since no answer has been accepted yet, and the only other C solution was somewhat longer, here goes...

main(){srand(time(0));char*o="O ",r=rand()%6,i=o[r<1],j=o[r<3],k=o[r<5];printf("-----\n|%c %c|\n|%c%c%c|\n|%c %c|\n-----\n",i,j,k,o[r&1],k,j,i);}

You can remove the include and save another 18 chars, but then it doesn't compile without warnings.

using user23241's command-line trick, the shortest C code that produces the result (without compiler warnings) is only 12 chars:

#include I

At least if you cheat and use the following command line to compile:

gcc -DI="<stdio.h>" -DM="main(){srand(time(0));char*o=\"O \",r=rand()%6,i=o[r<1],j=o[r<3],k=o[r<5];printf(\"-----\n|%c %c|\n|%c%c%c|\n|%c %c|\n-----\n\",i,j,k,o[r&1],k,j,i);}" dice.c -o dice

c, 140 chars

r,i,s;main(){srand(time(i=0));r=rand()%6;for(s=-1;i-=s;)putchar("\n|   |-o"[i>5?i==8&&r||i==10&&2<r||i==14&&4<r||i==15&&(s=1)&~r?7:i%6:6]);}


This is my second CodeGolf, and I wasn't really aiming for shortness as much as code mutability and matching the gaming criteria.

You can generate 4 sided dice as well as 6 sided.

Maybe later I will shorten it and make it a little more dynamic.

function draw_dice($numdice=1,$sides=4)
/* Verify acceptable parameters. */
if($sides<4){die("You must choose 4 sides or greater.");}
if($numdice<1){die("You must have at least one dice.");}
/* End verification */
$a=' ';
$b=' ';
$c=' ';
$d=' ';
$e=' ';
$f=' ';
$g=' ';
$h=' ';
$i=' ';
$j=' ';

case $sides%2==0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
echo "<div style='text-align:center;display:inline-block;'>";
echo " - <br/>";
echo "| |<br/>";
echo "|$a$b$c|<br/>";
echo "| $d$e$f |<br/>";
echo "|  $g$h$i$j  |<br/>";
echo "---------<br/>";
echo "</div>";


case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
echo "-----<br/>";
echo "|$a$b$c|<br/>";
echo "|$d$e$f|<br/>";
echo "|$g$h$i|<br/>";
echo "-----<br/>";

die("Only 4 and 6 sided are supported at this time.");


case $sides%2==1:
die("Must have even number of sides.");



Output 4 sided:

   | |
  |o o|
 |     |
|  o  o  |

Output 6 sided:

|o  |
| o |
|  o|

JavaScript 220 bytes

r=(1+Math.random()*6|0).toString(2).split("").reverse();b=r[1];c=r[2];s=[[b|c,0,c],[b&c,1&r[0],b&c],[c,0,b|c]];"-----\n|"+s.map(function(v){return v.map(function(w){return w?"o":" "}).join("")}).join("|\n|")+"|\n-----";

Ruby , 134 132 119 118 117 112 111 chars,

My second golf in life. I've used magic numbers. Any advises please?

|"+((a=:ghklm[rand 6])?a.to_i(36).to_s(2).tr("10","o "):"    o").insert(3,"|


ice@distantstar ~/virt % ruby ./golf.rb
|o o|
|   |
|o o|
ice@distantstar ~/virt % ruby ./golf.rb
|o o|
|o o|
|o o|
ice@distantstar ~/virt % ruby ./golf.rb
|   |
| o |
|   |
ice@distantstar ~/virt % 

VimScript – 169 chararacters

Note that this is not pure Vim since Vim has no builtin random number generator. There are extensions that can be downloaded for it of course, but since I am a diehard Linux man, I thought, why not just rely on the shell environment instead.


norm5a-^[YPo|   |^[YPP
let x=system('echo $RANDOM')%6+1
if x<2
norm jllro
norm lrolljj.k
if x>3
norm k.hjj
if x>2
norm h.k
if x>5
norm .l
if x>4
norm l.


  • The first line generators the "box" that represents the die.
  • The second line fetches a random number from the environment and using modular arithmetic forces it to be a valid number for a dice.
  • The remaining lines move around the die face filling in the o 's. Note that this is meant to be optimized for the least number of characters, not the least number of movements (i.e. there would be faster ways in turns of keystrokes if I was doing it manually—doing the ifs all in my head).
  • As always, ^ is not a literal ^ but an indication of an escape sequence.


Change RANDOM to DICEVALUE, save the VimScript code into dice.vim, then run this shell script on it, giving as arguments whatever numbers you want to test:

for DICEVALUE in $@; do
    export DICEVALUE
    vim -S dice.vim

Mathematica 166 161 146 143 chars

a="O  ";b=" O ";c="  O";d="   ";e="O O";RandomInteger@{1, 6}/.Thread@Rule[Range@6,{{d,b,d},{a,d,c},{a,b,c},{e,d,e},{e,b,e}, {e,e,e}}]//MatrixForm

Sample Output:


If the matrix braces offend, you may replace MatrixForm with TableForm in the code.


PHP 5.4, 107 bytes

<?$r=rand(1,6);$d=[' ','o'];$o='+---+
|'.$d[$r>1].' '.$d[$r>3].'|

102 bytes*

<?$r=rand(1,6);$d=' o';$o='+---+
|'.$d[$r>1].' '.$d[$r>3].'|

**Unfortunately, the 102 byte version issues notices due to the casting of bool to int when indexing the string $d. Other than that, it works fine.*

  • \$\begingroup\$ The byte counts seem to be 105 and 100, respectively. \$\endgroup\$
    – 12Me21
    Commented May 2, 2018 at 22:45
  • \$\begingroup\$ Ah, I must've accounted for the newlines. \$\endgroup\$
    – Dan Lugg
    Commented May 8, 2018 at 4:19

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