
ROT-128 is a variant of ROT-13, where instead of cycling through the 26 letters, you cycle through the 256 possible bytes. Your task is to create a program that outputs the ROT-128 of its own source. The outputted program must also be a valid program and output the original program.


This is code golf, so least number of bytes wins! Ties are broken by number of votes.

  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ In the interest of searchability, I think these are usually called "mutual quines" (at least that term has been used for several challenges on the site, iirc). \$\endgroup\$ Feb 19, 2016 at 6:25

2 Answers 2


GolfScript, 64 48 bytes


Thanks to @MartinBüttner for golfing off 16 bytes!

Try it online!



Try it online!


$ LANG=en_US

$ cat quine.gs
$ golfscript quine.gs
$ golfscript quine.gs | golfscript
$ diff -s quine.gs <(golfscript quine.gs | golfscript)
Files quine.gs and /dev/fd/63 are identical

Self-Modifying Brainf*ck, 74 bytes


(The second half of the program is the same as above, except in ROT-128)

Just thought I would post this as a) a kickstart for ideas, and b) showing that it is possible to do without an insanely large program.


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