The cops thread can be found here: The Mystery String Printer (Cops)
Your challenge
- Choose a submission from the cops thread, and print out the string from an answer in that thread.
- The submission that you choose must not be safe (it must be newer than 7 days).
Your program, function, or REPL script needs to follow the same rules as the cops thread. Just to recap:
- Your program must be ≤128 characters (if a cop's submission is in a smaller range of program lengths, your program must also be in that length range. For example, if a cop's program is ≤32 bytes, your program must be ≤32 bytes).
- The program must produce the same output every time it is run.
- No cryptographic functions.
- The program must not take input.
- No standard loopholes.
- All new submissions must use the same language. Submissions from before this rule was made are fine, even if they don't.
Scoring works similarly for robbers, but it is slightly different:
- Cracking any program of ≤8 bytes gives 1 point.
- Cracking a ≤16 byte program gives 2 points. ≤32 bytes gives 4 points, and so on.
- Every additional submission, no matter the length, earns +5 points
- Each cop's submission can only be cracked once- only the first person to crack each submission gets the points.
Each answer must include
- A link to the cop's submission.
- Your program and programming language.
- Also have the cop's program length (as a power of 2) as the last number in your header.
Additionally, please comment on the cop's submission with a link to your answer.
Here is a Stack Snippet to generate leaderboards. Please leave a comment if there is a problem with the snippet. If you would like to see all open cop submissions, see the snippet in the cops' challenge.
/* Configuration */
var QUESTION_ID = 60329; // Obtain this from the url
// It will be like on any question page
var ANSWER_FILTER = "!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe";
var COMMENT_FILTER = "!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk";
/* App */
var answers = [],
answers_hash, answer_ids, answer_page = 1,
more_answers = true,
function answersUrl(index) {
return "//" + QUESTION_ID + "/answers?page=" + index + "&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=" + ANSWER_FILTER;
function commentUrl(index, answers) {
return "//" + answers.join(';') + "/comments?page=" + index + "&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=" + COMMENT_FILTER;
function getAnswers() {
url: answersUrl(answer_page++),
method: "get",
dataType: "jsonp",
crossDomain: true,
success: function(data) {
answers.push.apply(answers, data.items);
answers_hash = [];
answer_ids = [];
data.items.forEach(function(a) {
a.comments = [];
var id = +a.share_link.match(/\d+/);
answers_hash[id] = a;
if (!data.has_more) more_answers = false;
comment_page = 1;
function getComments() {
url: commentUrl(comment_page++, answer_ids),
method: "get",
dataType: "jsonp",
crossDomain: true,
success: function(data) {
data.items.forEach(function(c) {
if (data.has_more) getComments();
else if (more_answers) getAnswers();
else process();
var POINTS_REG = /(?:<=|≤|<=)\s?(?:<\/?strong>)?\s?(\d+)/
var POINTS_REG_ALT = /<h\d>.*?(\d+)(?=[^\n\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\n<>]*<\/s>|[^\n<>]+>)[^\n\d<>]*)*<\/h\d>)/;
function getAuthorName(a) {
return a.owner.display_name;
function process() {
var valid = [];
var open = [];
answers.forEach(function(a) {
var body = a.body;
var cracked = false;
var points = body.match(POINTS_REG);
if (!points) points = body.match(POINTS_REG_ALT);
if (points) {
var length = parseInt(points[1]);
var crackedpoints = 0;
if (length > 64) crackedpoints = 16;
else if (length > 32) crackedpoints = 8;
else if (length > 16) crackedpoints = 4;
else if (length > 8) crackedpoints = 2;
else crackedpoints = 1;
user: getAuthorName(a),
numberOfSubmissions: 1,
points: crackedpoints
var pointTotals = [];
valid.forEach(function(a) {
var index = -1;
var author = a.user;
pointTotals.forEach(function(p) {
if (p.user == author) index = pointTotals.indexOf(p);
if (index == -1) pointTotals.push(a);
else {
pointTotals[index].points += a.points;
pointTotals.forEach(function(a) {
a.points += +((a.numberOfSubmissions - 1) * 5);
pointTotals.sort(function(a, b) {
var aB = a.points,
bB = b.points;
return (bB - aB != 0) ? bB - aB : b.numberOfSubmissions - a.numberOfSubmissions;
pointTotals.forEach(function(a) {
var answer = jQuery("#answer-template").html();
answer = answer
.replace("{{NAME}}", a.user)
.replace("{{SUBMISSIONS}}", a.numberOfSubmissions)
.replace("{{POINTS}}", a.points);
answer = jQuery(answer);
body {
text-align: left !important
#answer-list {
padding: 20px;
width: 240px;
float: left;
#open-list {
padding: 20px;
width: 450px;
float: left;
table thead {
font-weight: bold;
vertical-align: top;
table td {
padding: 5px;
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
<div id="answer-list">
<h2>Robber's Leaderboard</h2>
<table class="answer-list">
<tbody id="answers">
<table style="display: none">
<tbody id="answer-template">
This contest is now closed.
Overall winner: kennytm
Most submissions: Sp3000
(Note that the amount of submissions doesn't translate exactly to the points, as the length of the cracked program is counted when calculating the score).