A skeleton and multiple entries
These are a few of my creations. They all use 'goodvsevil.py', described further below. They are otherwise all quite dumb.
This one always copies the decision that made the most points last round (random in case of a tie). It also contains a hint on how you might use 'goodvsevildebug.py' while developing.
As with any get-rich-quick scheme, this method doesn't generally work.
import sys
from goodvsevil import *
# from goodvsevildebug import *
def decider(stats):
points = { False:0, True:0 }
for i in range(stats.players):
points[stats.playerLines[i][-1]] += stats.scores[i][-1]
t = points[True]
f = points[False]
if t == f:
return PetyrBaelish()
return f < t
run(sys.argv, decider)
# printStats(randomRounds(7, 70, decider))
# printStats(hostRounds(70, decider, [angel, demon] + 4*[PetyrBaelish,]))
This one looks for the player(s) with the longest lasting streak of going with or against majority, and votes for minority based on that player's last vote (average if several players have the same length of streak, random if 50:50 among them).
Its fallacy is the assumption that players are always a) going to continue their streak b) by taking the same side again this turn.
import sys
from goodvsevil import *
identity = lambda x: x
negation = lambda x: not x
def decider(stats):
count = 0
minvotes = []
for i in range(stats.players):
streak = stats.winningStreaks[i][-1]
filtr = negation if streak.good else identity # negate if majority streak
if count < streak.length:
count = streak.length
minvotes = [filtr(stats.playerLines[i][-1])]
elif count == streak.length:
avg = 0.5
if minvotes:
avg = average(minvotes)
if avg > 0.5:
return True
elif avg < 0.5:
return False
return PetyrBaelish()
run(sys.argv, decider)
This one likes to be 65% certain to go with the trend. It averages windows of previous 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 rounds, then averages these results to determine THE trend.
It prefers the trend from majority decisions over that from all votes. If neither trend is sufficiently clear, it chooses sides randomly.
import sys
from goodvsevil import *
def decider(stats):
maj = {}
tot = {}
for x in (10, 25, 50, 100, 200):
maj[x] = average(stats.majorityLine, x)
tot[x] = []
for i in range(stats.players):
tot[x].append(average(stats.playerLines[i], x))
tot[x] = average(tot[x])
maj = average(maj.values())
tot = average(tot.values())
if 0.15 < abs(maj - 0.5):
return maj > 0.5
if 0.15 < abs(tot - 0.5):
return tot > 0.5
return PetyrBaelish()
run(sys.argv, decider)
This one is normally random, but turns to the forces of good when it feels the presence of evil. Which has nothing to do with what's going on in the world, but is based solely upon the position in which coward finds itself.
According to coward's belief, prime numbers are evil, as are the numbers 6 and, therefore, 9. And 0, obviously. He doesn't believe in new age stuff like even prime numbers or prime numbers having several digits. Any numbers containing an evil number are evil.
import sys
from goodvsevil import *
evil = [0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9]
def decider(stats):
if (None == stats.custom) and (stats.myIndex >= 0):
if stats.myIndex in evil:
stats.custom = True
indexstr = str(stats.myIndex)
for bad in evil:
if str(bad) in indexstr:
stats.custom = True
return angel()
stats.custom = False
if stats.custom:
return angel()
return PetyrBaelish()
run(sys.argv, decider)
Skeleton for Python 3
Here's a skeleton for everybody who wishes to build upon. By persisting the Stats, it only ever needs to parse the last round.
It consists of two files:
- goodvsevil.py: provides infrastructure, saving/loading stats to/from file and adding the latest results each round. Six methods are intended for external use:
sets the path where the stats are saved. Must be called before run().
run(argv, decider)
parses the latest result, adds it to the stats, calls the decider function, correctly prints the decision to stdout, and saves the stats.
will usually be sys.argv
must be a function that takes a Stats object as argument and returns True for 'good', False for 'evil'.
average(list, count=0)
returns the average of the last count
elements in list
. If count
is falsy, the entire list
is used.
, demon
, PetyrBaelish
are decider functions with the behavior their name indicates.
- goodvsevildebug.py: may be useful while developing. It can simulate rounds and print stats. It's not to be used in submissions, because it prints stuff to stdout.
takes the path to your save file and prints the stats it contains.
- non-breaking change to run() in goodvsevil.py:
run has a new parameter suppress
, to support silent operation in goodvsevildebug.py
- new function getSaveFile() in goodvsevil.py:
returns the path to the savefile. Needed in goodvsevildebug.py.
- non-breaking changes to fileStats() and printStats() in goodvsevildebug.py:
they both have a new parameter onlyMe
to enable short listing. fileStats() now also tries to append '.pickled' to the filename if it doesn't otherwise exist.
- non-breaking change to hostRounds() in goodvsevildebug.py:
there are two new parameters, opponentnames
and myname
. They are used when printing. opponentnames
also determines the filenames for the opponents saved stats. opponentnames
are matched to opponentdeciders
by position. deciders without a name get named after the position where they are placed.
- hostRounds() now announces all players positions (converting them to 1-based), shows progress and timing information every 10%, and displays the final ranking (along with average and max times) when done.
- hostRounds() doesn't simply call the deciders anymore, but passes them to run(). This means that all deciders have a separate automatically updated save file each, and no work or data is shared between them.
Out of curiosity, I ran 1000 rounds with 29 players (1 Homer-clone with 200ms delay, 1 angel, 1 demon, 1 coward, 1 getrichquick, 1 findstreaks, 1 trendalizer, and 22 PetyrBaelishes, each on top of the goodvsevil.py infrastructure).
Average time per round was 72ms for most players, max time 220ms. Only Homer was slower, 280ms on average and 420ms max. Average time in the last 10% (across all 29) was 151ms per player/round.
That includes loading stats from file, parsing last round, updating stats, making a decision, saving stats back to file, and negligible hostRounds() overhead. It does not include the time to start python and load the script. It also doesn't account for the fact that run() prints the decision to stdout before it saves the stats to help meet timing requirements.
Here is the code I used for the experiment. Feel free to use it as a starting point if you'd like to try out my 'framework'. NOTE: if you don't like to wait half an hour or more, lower the number of rounds and/or opponents.
import sys
from goodvsevil import *
def decider(stats):
'implement my decision logic here'
import threading #
threading._sleep(0.2) # please, don't do this. It's just here to prove that time measurement works.
return True
run(sys.argv, decider)
#### everything below is to be removed before submitting. ####
rounds = 1000
from goodvsevildebug import *
class DevNull:
def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
savefile = getSaveFile() # store the save file name
stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = DevNull() # silence during import
import coward, streakfinder, getrichquick, trendalizer # these print stuff and change the save file
sys.stdout = stdout # restore stdout
setSaveFile(savefile) # restore save file name
opponents = [angel, demon, coward.decider, streakfinder.decider, getrichquick.decider, trendalizer.decider] + 22* [PetyrBaelish,]
oppnames = ['angel', 'demon', 'coward','streakfinder','getrichquick', 'trendalizer', 'PetyrBaelish1', 'PetyrBaelish2']
stats = hostRounds(rounds, decider, opponents, oppnames, '* Homer Clone *')
### NOTE that the stats object/files do not contain the decisions from the very last round.
### printStats() and fileStats() will therefore report lower scores than hostRounds() did.
#printStats(stats) # print full run info: majority decisions, player decisions and scores
#oppnames.remove('angel') # we know their decisions - no need to display
#for x in oppnames:
# print('\n%s:' % (x,))
# fileStats(x, onlyMe=True) # print short info about each opponent in oppnames: position, decisions and score
import pickle, random
def run(argv, decider, suppress=False):
'run an invocation. Pass argv = sys.argv, decider = function(Stats) returning boolean.'
stats = updateStats(argv)
decision = decider(stats)
if not suppress:
print('good' if decision else 'evil')
if stats.myIndex < 0:
with open(savefilename, "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(stats, file=file)
return (decision, stats)
def angel(stats=None):
return True
def demon(stats=None):
return False
def PetyrBaelish(stats=None):
return random.randint(0,1)
class Streak:
def __init__(self, good=False, length=0):
self.good = good # meaning depends on context
self.length = length # streak length in number of rounds
class Stats:
def __init__(self):
self.players = 0 # number of players
self.majorityLine = [] # list of majority decisions of { True:'good', False:'evil' }
self.playerLines = [] # list of decisions for each player of { True:'good', False:'evil' }
self.scores = [] # list of scores for each player (3 for majority, streak.length-1 for minority)
self.totalScores = [] # total score for each player
self.decisionStreaks = [] # playerLines as lists of streaks
self.winningStreaks = [] # list of streaks for each player hitting the same group of { True:majority, False:minority }
self.majorityLineStreaks = [Streak()] # majorityLine as a list of streaks
self._myDecisions = [] # used in the first few rounds until I know who I am
self.myIndex = -1 # which of the playerLines is Me?
self.totalGood = 0 # total number of player decisions for 'good'
self.totalEvil = 0 # total number of player decisions for 'evil'
self.roundsGood = 0 # total number of rounds won for 'good'
self.roundsEvil = 0 # total number of rounds won for 'evil'
self.custom = None # add some custom state object if you wish
savefilename = ''
def setSaveFile(path):
global savefilename
savefilename = path
def getSaveFile():
return savefilename
def majorityVote(sround):
return sround.count('1') > sround.count('0')
def isGood(char):
return char == '1'
def average(listnums, lastcount=0):
if lastcount:
listnums = listnums[-lastcount:]
if listnums:
return sum(listnums) / len(listnums)
return 0
def updateStats(argv):
if not savefilename:
raise Exception('No save file set. Please use setSaveFile(path) right after "import goodvsevil".')
decision = 0
lastround = ''
stats = None
firstround = (len(argv) < 2)
if firstround:
stats = Stats()
with open(savefilename, "rb") as file:
stats = pickle.load(file)
maxi = len(stats.playerLines) - 1
lastround = argv[1].split(',')[-1]
# record majority:
majvote = majorityVote(lastround)
if majvote:
stats.roundsGood += 1
stats.roundsEvil += 1
if stats.majorityLine and (stats.majorityLine[-1] == majvote):
stats.majorityLineStreaks[-1].length += 1
if stats.majorityLineStreaks[-1].length:
stats.majorityLineStreaks[-1].length = 1
stats.majorityLineStreaks[-1].good = majvote
# record player histories:
for i in range(len(lastround)):
good = isGood(lastround[i])
if i > maxi:
guessedright = (majvote == good)
if stats.playerLines[i]:
if good != stats.playerLines[i][-1]:
if guessedright != stats.winningStreaks[i][-1].good:
stats.decisionStreaks[i][-1].length += 1
stats.winningStreaks[i][-1].length += 1
stats.decisionStreaks[i][-1].good = good
stats.winningStreaks[i][-1].good = guessedright
stats.scores[i].append(3 if guessedright else (stats.winningStreaks[i][-1].length - 1))
stats.totalScores[i] += stats.scores[i][-1]
if good:
stats.totalGood += 1
stats.totalEvil += 1
if stats.myIndex < 0:
# try to find myself:
candidates = []
for i in range(len(stats.playerLines)):
fits = True
for k in range(len(stats._myDecisions)):
if stats._myDecisions[k] != stats.playerLines[i][k]:
fits = False
if fits:
if len(candidates) == 1:
stats.myIndex = candidates[0]
if not stats.players:
stats.players = len(stats.playerLines)
return stats
import os, time
from goodvsevil import *
def randomRounds(players, rounds, decider=PetyrBaelish):
'host a number of rounds against a number of PetyrBaelishes'
return hostRounds(rounds, decider, (players-1) * [PetyrBaelish,])
def hostRounds(rounds, decider=PetyrBaelish, opponentdeciders=[], opponentnames=[], myname='* me *'):
'host a number of rounds against a list of opponents, part of which may have names'
opponentdeciders = opponentdeciders[:] # copy lists because we'll alter them
opponentnames = opponentnames[:]
increment = rounds / 10 # how many rounds are 10%?
filename = getSaveFile()
s = ''
temps = ''
stats = None
deciders = []
names = []
players = len(opponentdeciders)
if (players % 2):
players += 1
mypos = random.randint(0,players)
print('my position: %d of %d' % (mypos+1, players+1))
players += 1
found = players * [False,]
decisions = players * [False,]
scores = players * [0,]
streaks = players * [None,]
times = players * [None,]
# randomly arrange players:
for i in range(players):
if i == mypos:
x = random.randint(0, len(opponentdeciders)-1)
randchoice = opponentdeciders[x]
if opponentnames and (len(opponentnames) > x):
name = opponentnames[x]
print('%02d: %s' % (i+1, names[i]))
t0 = time.time()
for r in range(rounds):
temps = ''
tstart = time.time()
for i in range(players):
# set a different save file for each player:
if i == mypos:
setSaveFile('./%s.pickled' % (names[i],))
# call the player, with or without argv[1]:
if r == 0:
(decision, st) = run([None], deciders[i], suppress=True)
times[i] = []
(decision, st) = run([None, s], deciders[i], suppress=True)
# remember everything we need to score the final round:
decisions[i] = decision
if r > 0:
scores[i] = st.totalScores[i]
streaks[i] = st.winningStreaks[i][-1]
# prepare next round's argv[1]:
temps += '1' if decision else '0'
# check if player has determined its position this round:
if (not found[i]) and (st.myIndex >= 0):
found[i] = True
if i == mypos:
print('*** Found myself in position %d after round %d.' % (st.myIndex+1, r))
print(" '%s' found itself in position %d after round %d." % (names[i], st.myIndex+1, r))
if i == mypos:
stats = st
# measure time:
tend = time.time()
times[i].append(tend - tstart)
tstart = tend
# finish preparation of next argv[1]:
if r != 0:
s += ','
s += temps
# Inform about progress in steps of ~10%:
if 1 > ((r+1) % increment): # 1> instead of 0== because increment is float
print('%d%% - t0 + %f' % (10*(r+1)/increment, time.time()-t0))
# score the last round:
majority = (players/2) < sum(decisions)
maxtimes = players * [0,]
for i in range(players):
if decisions[i] == majority:
scores[i] += 3
elif not streaks[i].good: # minority streak
scores[i] += streaks[i].length
maxtimes[i] = max(times[i])
times[i] = average(times[i])
scores = list(zip(scores, names, times, maxtimes))
scores.sort(key = lambda x: x[1]) # sort by name, so that equal scores will appear in lexical ordering
scores.sort(key = lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) # sort by score
for x in scores:
print('%d - %s (avg time %f, max %f)' % x)
print('hosted %d rounds with %d players in %f seconds.' % (rounds, players, time.time()-t0))
return stats
def fileStats(filename, onlyMe = False):
'load a Stats object from file and print relevant info.'
if not os.path.exists(filename):
if os.path.exists(filename + '.pickled'):
filename += '.pickled'
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
printStats(pickle.load(file), onlyMe)
def printStats(stats, onlyMe=False):
"print relevant info from the passed Stats object. if onlyMe, don't print majority or opponents."
playerpaths = ''
playerguessing = ''
players = len(stats.playerLines)
majoritypath = ''
if onlyMe:
score = 0
if stats.myIndex >= 0: # I found myself at some point, use playerLines[myIndex]
print('Position: %d / %d' % (stats.myIndex+1, stats.players))
for i in range(len(stats.playerLines[stats.myIndex])):
dec = stats.playerLines[stats.myIndex][i]
majoritypath += '1' if dec else '0'
playerguessing += '1' if dec == stats.majorityLine[i] else '0'
score = stats.totalScores[stats.myIndex]
else: # I never found myself, use _myDecisions
print('Position: unknown')
good = False
streak = 0
for i in range(len(stats._myDecisions)-1):
dec = stats._myDecisions[i]
majoritypath += '1' if dec else '0'
if good == (dec == stats.majorityLine[i]):
if good:
score += 3
score += streak
streak += 1
else: # change between minority/majority
good = (dec == stats.majorityLine[i])
streak = 1
if good:
score += 3
playerguessing += '1' if good else '0'
print('- %s\n %s (%d)' % (majoritypath, playerguessing, score))
for i in range(players):
decs = '- '
ress = '- '
pscore = 0
for decision in stats.playerLines[i]:
decs += '1' if decision else '0'
for streak in stats.winningStreaks[i]:
ress += streak.length * ('1' if streak.good else '0')
ress += ' (%d)' % stats.totalScores[i]
if i == stats.myIndex:
ress = '* %s *' % ress[2:]
decs = '* %s *' % decs[2:]
playerpaths += decs + '\n'
playerguessing += ress + '\n'
for dec in stats.majorityLine:
majoritypath += '1' if dec else '0'
if stats.myIndex < 0:
majoritypath += '\n\nMy decision line:\n-----------------\n- '
for dec in stats._myDecisions:
majoritypath += '1' if dec else '0'
%d / %d
Majority decision line:
- %s
Decision lines:
Alignment with majority (Score):
%s''' % (stats.myIndex+1, players, majoritypath, playerpaths, playerguessing[:-1]))